Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Monday, February 12, 2024

Observations of Anomalies in FMP Find Layout

 The "Find" environment is totally different than the "Browse" universe - when it comes to entering data from the Clipboard.

When pasting the contents of a Cell in Excel into a Field, the difference between Find and Browse is this: 

in Find it will also paste the LF (aka Paragraph Entry)

in Browse it will paste the text sans the LF

Ask Claris (FileMaker Pro):

When typing fast, many CApitalised WOrds end up with the SEcond LEtter also CApitalised.  This should be corrected automatically - PLease!

When typing fast, many Word send up wit hthe last Letter of one word stuck the firstl etter of the next one. This should be corrected automatically - Please!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

More FileMaker Pro - Claris Resources

More FileMaker Pro - Claris Resources:

Claris — build custom apps

DataTherapy - Custom Software Solutions - Claris Partners

Beezwax | Software Development and Consulting - Independent FileMaker Forum. Help, Discussions & Answers for Developers and Users - A independent discussion forum and knowledge development project for FileMaker users

About Us – Inspirations Software Design LLC

How To Merge FileMaker Files – FileMaker Inspirations

Q. How to write a Startup Script: Access rights details should be fetched from the login details of the workstation. 

Q. How to write the following Field Calculation: When you enter a town then the country should automatically be entered
FmPro Migrator Developer Edition $200

Create a WebViewer on a Layout and paste it in your Code Field; this works correctly:
"data:text/html, <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function startTime() {var today=new Date(); var h=today.getHours(); var m=today.getMinutes();var s=today.getSeconds(); m=checkTime(m); s=checkTime(s); = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('time').innerHTML=h+':'+m+':'+s; t=setTimeout('startTime()',500)} function checkTime(i) {if (i<10) {i='0'+i} return i} </script> <style type='text/css'> <!--body {background-color:rgb(200,190,100);margin-left:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom: 0px;} --> </style> </head> <font size='4' face='Arial'> <body style='text-align:left;border:0px;margin:0px;padding:0px;scrolling:'no'; onload='startTime()'> <div id='time'></div> </font> </body> </html>”

On iPad & iPhone FM Go Servers, Automatically enter Kiosk Mode
How can I script FileMaker Go to automatically enter Kiosk Mode on iPad?
We need to deploy an App on BYOD, which will be given out to salespeople, but they will only be able to access FM Go in Kiosk Mode.
Problem: Whenever an iPad goes into hibernation or when it's turned off, the Kiosk Mode is terminated and will not launch by itself when the iPad wakes up / is booted up.
We're looking for a Script Trigger that will poll the system every 30 seconds and if it detects a wakeup / bootup, the Kiosk Mode will be launched.
A. See:, which is the solution you're after.