Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Monday, October 26, 2015

DingBats Font on FileMaker Go

In the FileMaker Go version, the Telephone icon Symbol displays as a bracket: “(“.

This is because the Go version doesn’t have the DingBats Font (as is the case with Blogger...)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Synchronise BYOD with FileMaker Pro

Find out how to keep the Address Book (Contacts) on Android mobiles in Sync with TimeWyze

Cellular, GSM, Mobile, TxT, SMS, Download, Import, Export, Synchronise

Date: 23/10/2016
RFC# 210
We need to find a way to download all TxT messages from the two SIM cards that are installed in the GSM Gateway, as people assume that these are my own personal mobile and send TxT messages to these numbers.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Create a Table inside a Blog Post


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Web Viewer anomalies

Web Viewer anomalies

1) Whilst Text Formatting is unavailable in Web Viewer, there must be a way to solve the anomaly, where the text changes size randomly:
I placed a Web Clock on a Layout in a Web Viewer (Object Size: 2.505X0.65cm) but the Time (e.g. 11:55:29) is displayed sometimes so that the text fills the space of the Web Viewer whilst sometimes it shrinks to half the size, causing the right side and bottom part of the Web Viewer to be empty, resulting in a untidy display of the time.

The following is from the FileMaker Pro support page Web Viewer behavior in Layout Mode - untested... (url:
"Format Changes: Web viewers do not respond to font attributes, yet the attribute commands remain enabled (this is also the behavior for other objects which do not have font attributes). The ignored commands are Font, Size, Style, Align Text, Line Spacing, Orientation, and Text Color."

1) I inserted a Web Viewer on a Layout and most of the time the bottom of the Web Page cannot be viewed; there's a ligh-blue rectangle blocking what should be seen there.  Additionally, the vertical Scrollbar on the right-hand-side is also hidden from view, so it's impossible to scroll up or down.
See Screengrab below:

I tried resolving this issue by following the advice gleaned from the two tips that are shown in the Notes section at: Working with web viewers on layouts (
 - "You can’t place a web viewer in a portal. If you place a web viewer in a portal, the web viewer appears as an object on the layout that overlaps the portal. However, you can place a web viewer on a popover within a portal.".
 - "You must ensure that a custom web address:
begins with the correct scheme — for example, http://, https://, ftp://, or file://
is correctly encoded as a URL, by selecting Automatically encode URL"

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Solve the Missing Tag problem

Sometimes you need to copy and paste some html code into your blog.
Add "/DIV" at the end of the post in HTML mode otherwise it shows an error Like:
"Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed: DIV".
If you added at the end of the post in HTML mode and you see a different warning:
"Your HTML cannot be accepted: Closing tag has no matching opening tag: DIV Dismiss", do the following:
In the FIND Field, type DIV and delete the "\DIV" that appears in the middle of the text.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Feature Report

19-Nov-2009 Create a Field that will contain the Version number for when adding changes, features, utilities, etc. to the database, we should be able to create a Feature Report with the Features that were added in the Version Update, each Update should have its list of additions neatly laid out.  
This can then be used to show customers what we did to improve the database.