Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Q. I'd like to use the Right-Click Drop-Down Menu to send a file from my office server to a DropBox folder in my DropBox account (Dropbox Basic, Dropbox Pro or Dropbox Business) - is this possible?

Q. How do I move a Folder or File from one Folder to another inside DropBox?
A. Click on the icon of the item that you want to move and a range of new Icons will become visible, one of which is called "Move...".

Friday, September 16, 2016

Limitations to the ODBC

Limitations to the ODBC solutions (or what FileMaker cannot do):

Menasche Scharf
1. Microsoft Access: When using Microsoft Access to view data in a FileMaker data source, do not use data from a summary field. The summary field’s data should not be edited in Microsoft Access, and the data value that is displayed in Microsoft Access may not be accurate.

Menasche Scharf
2. Error with a Windows Authentication ODBC Connection for FileMaker, see:

===== What we want from the new System: =====

=== To keep track of Jobs ===
Need to identify who is the customer and who is the managing agent on the Property Window
 *Customer name -  *Company name -  *Managed by -  *Agent name -  * Need more space for contact info in the properties window
Need level of POM cover (POM 247, POM 365 or POM 925)
under the POM customer we need to see a list of there properties (this is not the same the list under the landlord)
Need to make distinction between being on POM and having a CORGI done to the property and doing a job
3 Better if there is no scrolled bars
4 the landlord window outside the screen
5 Need info for 
a POM contracts in order of start date
b CORGI due dates
6 problem its to easy to change sensitive info
7 put info from moshe in to file maker
8 open up multiple windows of the same type e.g. multiple landlord windows open at the same time
9 the visit date shouldn’t automatically come up
Connect real-time to QuickBooks / Sage etc.
Tenders, Quotes, Estimates, Costing, Accounts,
Need Report with a listing of outstanding jobs
Every job to be stamped with date and time entered, so that we can calculate duration from receiving the order until completion/invoicing.
Supervision of workers and work teams
Every worker who swipes his/her card confirms to have had breakfast consisting of what constitutes a breakfast.
Every visit to be followed up by a letter of notification, a TxT message and/or ‘phone call with a request that half an hour before the agreed time of arrival of the engineer they switch the GCHB ON and Radiators are fully opened.
Job sheets, timesheets
CIS payments
It should allow management of NICEIC and 3 star
Every job to have an overview of: Landlord, Contractor, Salesman (MH or MS), Utilities (is it TXU or EDF?),
All jobs without a London Postcode (i.e. HA for Harrow) carry a 10% surcharge.
Reporting of Daily outstanding jobs by: Area / Engineer / Customer etc.
GANTT charts to show projected versus completed work in real time
We should quantify to customers how much they saved by using our services:
 # The Health and Safety aspect: people end up in A. and E. for inhaling noxious fumes = fines, court cases and prison sentences
 # The rent income is uninterrupted as Tenants trust the landlord, seeing that he's concerned for their safety
 # In the course of us making appointments we ferret out the Sitting Tenants who have moved out, died or disappeared
 # Doing the repairs under POM saves time, hassle, money and keeps the tenants happy and rent is uninterrupted

31. Integrate Skype in your FileMaker solution:


====== Setting up Cascading Lists or pop-ups ======
Also called:
Conditional Value Lists,
Dynamic Drop Down Menu
Relative filtering
Tiered Drop Down Dropdown

Search for: "Cascading" "Conditional" "Tiered" "Drop Down" "Dropdown" "Drill-down" “fileMaker” ”pop-ups" “conditional value list" "levels" -css -Oracle -Netscape -asp -ODBC -activex -menasche -Android -object -list -portals -deletes -executeSQL -"cascading delete" -nested -"cascading deletion" -"Scripts menu" -plug-in

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ask FileMaker XXX

Dashed Lines in a Text Field
Ask FileMaker how to have "dashed lines in a Text Field, to write notes"

Field Names inside the Field
When I go into Find Mode, the Fields are totally blank.  It would be nice to have the Field name shown inside the Field so that I know what Field it is (in case there are no Field Labels present).
The  workaround to type "Self" in the Tooltip Field in the Position Tab of the Inspector only picks up the Field Name and displays it when you hover over the Field in Browse Mode - not in Find Mode!

Empty Fields
There should be an Inspector Tab that shows which Field is used in which Layout, which will facilitate the decision making process whether to delete this Field or not, otherwise you can end up deleting a Field that looks unused to you but in reality it is used in a  Drop Down Menu, a Script orr Calculation and once you delete the Field all the Data is lost: the Data contained in this Field and any Calculation based on its Data. 

When FileMaker Pro deletes a Field, it shows a number of Layout names during the deletion.  This is (I presume) the list of Layouts that are open whilst the Delete operation is being processed.

Import one text file (or spreadsheet) into two Tables

How to select the correct Field based on the content of the Clipboard: When I am searching for a company, I can do this by Company Name "Spak Orgochem(India) Pvt. Ltd" or by Company Number "2752".  If the Clipboard has text, enter the "Company Name" Field; if it contains numbers, enter the "Company Number" Field.

Suggestion 34: Sell Many Items from One Layout

Suggestion 34

The database should be able to handle sales of many products and services with varying prices etc., all from one form.

Repeating problems with Repetitions


Q. I followed the instructions show here:
Now it's impossible to enter the Field (clicking on the Drop Down List or Menu with or without an Arrow (As in: "Include arrow to show and hide list")) doesn't produce anything, except a flicker when the Cursor hovers above the Drop Down Arrow.

Answer: The Layout where I placed the Field was NOT connected to the Table that contains this Field.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

For a change: How to Set the Proofing Language in MSWord

Q. Sometimes I open files that have either been sent from the USA or have been created using the US English version of MSWord.
As a result, when I want to spell-check this document the Spelling Checker 'invokes' the US English Dictionary, which slows me down as it stops at every UK English word (Examples: Colour, Colourised or Traveling).
Is there a way to force MSWord to always pull up the UK English Dictionary?
I looked into Preferences but couldn't find it in General, Proofing, Language nor Advanced.

A. I found the solution in MSWord Help:
1. From the "Review Menu", choose "Proofing Language..." and a Dialogue Box will appear: "Language".
2. Click on "√ABC English (United Kingdom)",
3. Click on "Set as Default",
4. Click on "OK".
However, although the change took effect onscreen, i.e. it now shows "English (United Kingdom)" as the "Default Language" in the "Language" Dialogue Box, "English (United States)" still showed up in the Spelling Checker Sidebar (all the way at the bottom), when I pressed F7.

5. So I opened the "Language Preferences..." Dialogue Box ("Review"->"Language"->) and selected "English (United States)" to be added to the list of editing languages.
6. When I pressed the Add Button, a message appeared: "Please restart Office so that your language changes can take effect.".
7. I did so and when I restarted MSWord, "English (United States)" was still the "Proofing Language".

I repeated steps 5. to 7., only now I pressed "Remove" after selecting "English (United States)" in the list of installed Editing Languages.

I then repeated steps 1. to 4. and now it works like a song!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Helpful Clarification - Filed Attributes

When I click on a colour in the Colour Palette in the Appearance Tab of the Inspector Dialogue Box, the following warning appeared:
"Line attributes can only be applied to fields that have borders specified through the Inspector. (Note that the feature "Field Boundaries" under the Show menu will show boundaries on all fields without formatted borders".

This only happens when "Line" Menu in the Graphic Sub-Tab of the Appearance Tab is set to "No Line".

My question is this: Where is the "Show" menu?

Answer: The "Show" menu is under the "View" menu.  This should be clear to anyone who uses the Layout Mode in FileMaker Pro on a daily basis...

Just FYI