Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Thursday, July 14, 2011

====== Options: ======

1. FileMaker: for all data driven tasks and needs, with feed to/from Accounting, ERP, PipeLine (GoldMine, Act! etc.), Unlimited users via Web Server, Easy Customisation, Implementation, Integration
2. Collect FileMaker-designed products from various developers (JobTracker, EasyContact from Holland, Outbound Sales Diary from @003 Expo @£60.00 per hour)
3. MYOB: Limited to only 2 users, Links to FileMaker, only on Windows
4. QuickBooks: Limited to 5 users (except enterprise version, which is not yet tested), limited with file size, limited with customised reporting, Problem with "pending" invoices.

 * Bill Items By Class
5. SAGE: cumbersome, links to FileMaker on Windows,
6. Hansa: One "Super" seat with option to link in up to 6 FirstOffice users linking to FileMaker using data files

====== Links: ======
FileMaker Accounting

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