Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Monday, March 31, 2014

Value Lists

10/04/2013 Menasche Scharf: Value Lists don't lose Existing Values

Ask FileMaker: If I rearrange the Values in a Value List, will all data become obsolete – will the Records change along (bad) Or all existing entries will stay as they were entered originally (good)?
Answer: No.

21/10/2013 Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker - How to populate a Value List driven Checkbox Field with multiple values, when the data is imported from an external source (i.e. a CSV file). 

Answer: To select many items CheckBox List: Shift-Click the additional CheckBox/es.

Drop Down Value List: Either Shift-Click contiguous Values or, if the Values you need are not following one another and you want to skip some Values, Ctrl+Click any Value in the list.
The selected Values will be placed in the Field, separated by a Line Feed or Paragraph Return.

08/06/2023 Menasche Scharf Ask FileMaker

When in the Manage Value Lists Dialogue Box, there should be a Search Field to quickly find a Value - especially when handling dozens of Value Lists.

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