Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Progression Route - Start small, Think BIG

====== Suggestion 2 ======
Start with FMaker, when you reach critical mass expand with Oracle or any other Industry strength RDMS: Cross Database Joins

If you have a mixed back-end server environment, Servoy allows you to join data seamlessly between these different backends (even if they are from different vendors).

Zero programming is required to show customer data from your Oracle database and join it with order data stored in a MS SQL Server system.

ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) Servoy supports SaaS out of the box, including multi-tenancy, as well as a  (Thin) Client from the same code base

To migrate from FileMaker Pro to servoy look [ HERE].

Servoy Plugins: servoy-qb-plugin - Google Code

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Collect Data from Submitted Forms from within FileMaker

Stephen Goodson, 9-10-2010:

I just figured it out. You can get the data from a submitted HTML form all within FileMaker.

All with a calculation.

And in fact, it’s actually easy if you use an external webpage (“google”) or a local one (index.htm) in your webviewer.

Here is the calc:
Let([$url = GetLayoutObjectAttribute ("WebViewer1"; "source") ;
$query = Right($url; Length($URL) - Position($URL; "?";1;1))]
;Substitute ($query;”&”;”¶”))

You only need to parse out the Field/Value data!

I also have it working based on a text field in the database which is an html form.

The Webviewer displays that form, and, with a little calculation magic, displays that submitted data using the calc above.

I’ll save that one for another time.

Brian Schick, 8-29-2007

Thanks, Geoff.

Your feedback solved the issue.

In case it’s of value to anyone else, here’s the simple function we’re using now in web viewers to point to files contained in container fields.

This is now working fine with files on both local and remote volumes:
Let ([
   _path = GetAsText ( [table]::[attachmentField]) ;
   _hasEntry = Length ( _path ) > 0 ;
   _path = "file:///Volumes/" & Substitute ( GetValue ( _path ; 2 ) ; "filemac:/" ; "" )
   ] ;

   If (_hasEntry ; _path )

Add to RFC2516

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Automating Field Entry

Q. You kindly arranged the Mobile Number Field to delete all spaces. 
In the end it is not necessary as the telephone system Dialler doesn't mind: when I paste a mobile number with spaces it dials the correct number. 
However, it is still to be determined whether we will have problems when exporting numbers with Spaces to a Mobile Handset, so let's not chnage it until we test it?

====== Setting up a Conditional Incremental Value ======

We have a document number that needs to be increased in value with every new document (i.e. Record in FileMaker Pro): if the previous document number is 23456, the User will manually enter the next one as 23457.

Now they want this to happen semi-automatically: only when the user requests it (i.e. Auto_enter Serial Number to Generate the next vale On creation won't do).

This is because some documents have more than one part, which calls for a suffix to be appended to the remaining part/s: 23457-1, 23457-2 etc. (as in this web page See: [i])

We agreed that there would be a Button, which the User can click and then the new Incremental Value will be committed to the Field.

How is such a Script formulated?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Avaya Office Pro with FileMaker Pro

Nov 21, 2014 01:35 AM PST, 

Subject or Question: FileMaker Pro 12 via Avaya Office Pro 

Discussion Thread, Response Via Email:
Hello Menasche, 
Thank you for contacting FileMaker Customer Support. 
Here at the Customer Support department we offer unlimited telephone and email assistance for installation, launch, reinstallation and bug reporting. 
With regards to development or use of FileMaker, this is not something we can advise on here. In your particular situation with dialing to via the Avaya Office Pro console on Windows I believe that this would need to be done using plugins.

For more information I would suggest visiting the FileMaker Forum where which allows all users to ask unlimited questions, and is available 24 hours per day and has a strong community.

Alternatively, you can join the FileMaker TechNet, which provides sample software, white papers and many other resources; or you can even search for a local consultant specializing in training or development on our website.,

If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support on: 0845 603 9100 (United Kingdom) or 01 4073432 (Ireland), Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (excluding holidays).

Case number: 141121-000411. 

Thank you, 

James Foley, 

You can now chat with the FileMaker Support team online. 


Monday, December 14, 2015

Instant Web Publishing

Menasche Scharf
Tried to open the Main_Menu File in Instant Web Publishing and the following warning appeared.

Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker why when launching FileMaker and the old version (6) is already running, a message appears that IWP (=Instant Web Publishing) cannot be started as it’s already used by another instance of FileMaker?

Friday, December 11, 2015


Caching (sometimes referred to as virtualizing).

In general computing, caching refers to storing a duplicate of data in a more quickly accessible location.

In FileMaker, caching usually refers to temporarily storing record data in global variables.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

====== Setting up Dependencies ======

====== Setting up Dependencies ======

What are Dependencies?

Dependencies is the term used to describe

The "Dependencies" table is a join table connecting a task with one or more tasks it depends on - See:

Monday, December 7, 2015

Copy Conditional Formatting

Copy Conditional Formatting


27-Sep-2012 11:36
I don't think there is any way to do this, but please point it out to me if so. 

Just how we can copy object styles in FM12, it would be great if we could copy an object's conditional formatting.

Sometimes I'll get an idea to use conditional formatting on an object on one layout and realize I can use that same formatting on another object on a different layout.  If all I had to do was copy the conditional formatting from one object, switch to the other layout and paste it on the other object, it would save some time having to reselect all of the various conditional formatting options and leave me with just having to tweak the conditional formatting calculation.



27-Sep-2012 12:15 (in response to jasongodoy)
No, you cannot copy and paste the conditional format.

I usually use this trick.
1. Bring the object include conditional format to the same layout.
2. Bring it to the front ( It should be when you paste its object now, but you'll need this if it's there since before. ).
3. Select muti objects and open conditioanl formatting dialog.
4. It shows you the settings you want to paste. Just select OK.
done! ;-)


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to Speed Up a FileMaker Pro File

How to Speed Up a FileMaker Pro File


Menasche Scharf
