Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Automating Field Entry

Q. You kindly arranged the Mobile Number Field to delete all spaces. 
In the end it is not necessary as the telephone system Dialler doesn't mind: when I paste a mobile number with spaces it dials the correct number. 
However, it is still to be determined whether we will have problems when exporting numbers with Spaces to a Mobile Handset, so let's not chnage it until we test it?

====== Setting up a Conditional Incremental Value ======

We have a document number that needs to be increased in value with every new document (i.e. Record in FileMaker Pro): if the previous document number is 23456, the User will manually enter the next one as 23457.

Now they want this to happen semi-automatically: only when the user requests it (i.e. Auto_enter Serial Number to Generate the next vale On creation won't do).

This is because some documents have more than one part, which calls for a suffix to be appended to the remaining part/s: 23457-1, 23457-2 etc. (as in this web page See: [i])

We agreed that there would be a Button, which the User can click and then the new Incremental Value will be committed to the Field.

How is such a Script formulated?

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