Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Arranging an appointment II

===== Arranging an appointment II =====

===== Printing =====
Then print it out and write "printed" next to the last cell of each property. Before printing a new list of CORGI's to be carried out, check if there are Tenant contact details already. If not, or if the Landlord’s details appear instead of the tenant’s, replace the Landlord details with Tenants' name and Telephone Number/s.

===== Sending a letter to a Tenant =====
If you cannot find a tenants phone number - the housing association does not have it, then you have to send out a letter to the tenant.
1. For a booked inspection, go to All_users_documents->Pacedream Limited->Sarah Abraham->Shortcut to three star files->Three Star letters->Three Star Unreachable tenants->Booked Inspections.
2. Then using an existing template just change the address, date of letter and date of inspection.
3. For an inspection that needs arranging, do the same thing – All_users_documents->Pacedream Limited->Sarah Abraham->Shortcut to three star files->Three Star letters->Three Star Unreachable tenants->Need arranging.
4. File it in the confirmed CORGI file.
5. After this if tenant still does not reply then we must send a second letter – after this we have done our job and it is up to the landlord to see to it.
6. To locate this letter, follow instructions above- it is in The Three Star Unreachable Tenants, 2nd urgent letter -for those that didn’t reply to first letter.
7. File it in the confirmed CORGI file.
8. Save all letters with the full address (with postcode) and date that you write the letter for example 7 Botha Road 02/08/05

===== Check List =====
 Do ask Tenant to confirm whether they could be in at a certain time, after consulting with MDH as to when we plan to send an engineer to a given Postcode area.
Ask tenant when would be best for them to remain at home and we will try and work around their schedule, meaning: when we aggregate all CORGI’s in their postcode / area.
Do make sure you call the correct Landlord for the right Property
Do make sure that there is working Gas and Electricity services in the property
If the property is not on FileMaker Pro - do put it on.
When you finish with an order - for example if a customer sends a fax to request a POM addition - please leave your fingerprints on the sheet - i.e. your initials or full name with a date and invoice number relating to the order. Better still, use the Date Stamp – make sure the wheels are adjusted to show today’s date.
Please use your brains before using the computer. Check your own lists before calling a Landlord to see if you have already printed a job, and then check the system (QB and FileMaker) for the correct date when the job was done. P.S. When printing out jobs from FileMaker, do it landscape so that it fits all on one page – File -> Page Setup -> Landscape. P.P.S. After a job is done, cross it out from the printed sheet in the confirmed CORGI file so that we know what still has to be done.
You can also check to see if it is in the Memorised Transaction List (a reminder list of QuickBooks) and you can delete it – Ctrl D.

You first have to switch to single user mode – File, Switch to Single User Mode. P.P.P.S. To go down to the last record in a excel document, you have to be on a record and then press Ctrl-End; to select down press Ctrl-Shift-Down-arrow

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