Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Thursday, August 4, 2016

FileMaker Related Links VI

Menasche Scharf

I have the same problem with a similar set-up: FMP12.0v4 and after reading this post - especially posts 7, 8 & 9 - it would appear that the problem is with FileMaker Pro trying to find a newly created Record/s in a Related Table that is a 'mirror' of the Original Table: I have a Contacts Table with a portal at the bottom to show related Records. 
These related Records come from a duplicated Table, using a self-join Relationship. 
After adding a new Record, I click on a Scripted Button with the following Script: "Go to Related Record", with the Options set to Result Options: "Show Only related records" and I ticked "Match all records in the current found set". 
This should now show me the newly created Record nicely arranged in the Portal, under the related Record in the main layout. 
However, when I hit the related Record in the Portal to see the new Record, this is when I get the dialogue with the message: "Find in progress... 
Processing query" query with a Cancel button (this last bit seems not to have been part of FileMaker Pro 9?) After reading this post I changed the "Show Only related records" to "Match Current Records only" (instead of "Match all records in the current found set"). 

Problem solved. 
However my questions is this: Does this mean that this newly added Record is only 'connected' to the Record that was showing in the main Layout?


Is it possible to "reserve" the first row for Creation of A New Record, instead of the last row within the portal setup environment? This is so that the users do not have to scroll down to the end to add new child records. This makes data entry quicker.

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