Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Monday, December 12, 2016

FileMaker Scripts - Part II

Script FileMaker
Export to an excel file the four fields and save to the desktop:
a.       Product Code
b.      Products
c.       Kashrus Status
d.      Kosher Logo
Try to script it to save to the Dropbox folder
Connect Lotus to FileMaker using the drop down menu that allows you to create a link in every diary entry

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker: Does it make a difference whether Structure Particles (Tables, Layouts, Fields, Layout etc.) contain a space " " or not. 
In other words: Does replacing the " ‏‏" space with an underscore "_" help when writing Scripts, Formulae etc.?

Menasche Scharf
Ensure every Script that has a Pause Command in it, also includes the Script: “Allow User Abort”, with the setting set to “ON” (See: URL and also: [cdii]).
See: [cdii]

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker to add a Suspend Script Step (unless it’s already implemented in the Advanced version), so that one can test a Script after neutralising one or more Script Steps and reactivating them after the test is finished. 
This will have the advantage that the neutralised Script Step doesn’t have to be recreated from scratch.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker
1) it doesn’t show anywhere that allows the User to Scroll through Records, when the focus is nowhere (i.e. the cursor is not inside a Field),
2) Status Bar, which is at the bottom of the screen underneath of the Minimise/Maximise Bar,
3) the NUM Toggle is displayed (when the Number Lock is ON).
(Enter this into Google search: "FileMaker" "status" "browse" "mode" "toolbar" "scroll" “area” “bar” -Google -Advanced -bento -Marital -portals -Email -Resize -script -access -gridlines -"scroll bar" -omit -Error –commands.


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