06/03/2013 MS: Ask FileMaker to add the following option:
“Delete File”, to the following Script Steps: “Send Event”.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Size Matters - Part III
Different Page Setup Settings for Every Layout
Ask FileMaker how to set a separate page layout for different Layouts in the same File; one should be landscape and the other Portrait, or one A4 and the other A3 etc.
We have different Layouts, some of which are Landscape and others are Portrait.
Can we not have Layout-specific Page Setup Settings?
This feedback is about: http://help.filemaker.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6175 [Case:130305-000304].
A. Create a specific Script for every Layout, with its unique printing requirements (Landscape/Portrait, margins etc.).
Different Page Setup Settings for Every Layout
Ask FileMaker how to set a separate page layout for different Layouts in the same File; one should be landscape and the other Portrait, or one A4 and the other A3 etc.
We have different Layouts, some of which are Landscape and others are Portrait.
Can we not have Layout-specific Page Setup Settings?
This feedback is about: http://help.filemaker.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/6175 [Case:130305-000304].
A. Create a specific Script for every Layout, with its unique printing requirements (Landscape/Portrait, margins etc.).
Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker why only when Creating a new Layout with Layout Type: “List View”, you can Tick the box: ‘Constrain columns to page width’ this feature is only available at the point when you create a Layout from Scratch; and why it cannot be changed afterwards?
Distance between Objects
22/02/2013 MS: Ask FileMaker that there should also be the
following additional Features in the next version: “?” on the Inspector Combox,
Horizontal and Vertical Distance Fields, to indicate how far an Object is
from its immediate neighbour from the Top and from the Left – in Western
countries and from the Right in RTL countries (i.e. Hebrew and other RTL
cultures), or on all sides.
Sort Buttons
19/02/2013 Ask FileMaker if it is possible to Sort Buttons
in Alphabetical Order on a Layout in Layout Mode.
Data Import I: Import Templates
Customer: Menasche Scharf
This feedback is about:Converting older FileMaker Pro files to the .fmp12 file format
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
MS: Ask FileMaker if it is possible to have Data Import Templates, which may be used when importing a variety of Data Sets from a variety of sources and File Formats.
This will help when having to run Data Import Sessions, which requires the change of Field arrangement in the Import Field Mapping Combo Box (See: [i]) and also sometimes the Data that is set to be entered automatically is already in the Data File (i.e. Entered By, Enter Date, Unique ID), so we need a Script that will allow the User who does the Data Import to switch off certain Field Settings on/Off as needed, without having to open the Manage Database Dialog Box.
See also [ii] for Separating (aka Parsing, See: [iii]) Names from Addresses and enter them into the correct Fields.
RFC #176
Q. How can we add a utility to FileMaker that will help users make a batch import of Contact Details, Property Addresses etc.?
See the sample Import_Template.xls, available here: F:\Power Safety\Stationery\import_template.xls (where 'F' stands for our local Server)
Exporting Data from FileMaker
Ask FileMaker: Help on Specify Field Order for Export
The help page on Specify Field Order for Export Dialogue Box doesn't cover the Output file character set Option.
Ask FileMaker: Help on Specify Field Order for Export
The help page on Specify Field Order for Export Dialogue Box doesn't cover the Output file character set Option.
Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker to improve the Export mechanism:
If I want to export the content of one Field for cleaning (delete dummy data, correct spelling mistakes etc.) for reimporting (or even if not for reimporting) it should only export the populated Records.
Although the other Fields are populated, they should be ignored.
Export Field "Fax Number" and Field "Unique ID", where the former needs a cleanup and the latter is only there so that the cleaned data can be reimported correctly (to match the Record where it originally came from), then there should be a tick "Main Data" that one can tick next to the Fax Number Field - like there is when importing: "Match Records Based on this Field".
I exported a data file containing two fields:
Record ID
The Status file is 'connected' to a Value List with 22 values and is set to allow six repetitions.
Before the export is completed, a message appears:
However, the resulting Excel file opens up with all the values included, not just the first one
I exported a data file containing two fields:
Record ID
The Status file is 'connected' to a Value List with 22 values and is set to allow six repetitions.
Before the export is completed, a message appears:
However, the resulting Excel file opens up with all the values included, not just the first one
Hebrew text comes out backwards
[i] https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&safe=active&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=%22filemaker%22+%22arabic%22+%22print%22+%22Pdf%22+-indesign+-Web+-html+-Applesoft+-Access++-Excel+-Compatabilty+-winsoft+-free+-Download+-calendar+-sites+-edge+-going+-Compatibility+-AppleScript+-customer+-QuarkXpress&oq=%22filemaker%22+%22arabic%22+%22print%22+%22Pdf%22+-indesign+-Web+-html+-Applesoft+-Access++-Excel+-Compatabilty+-winsoft+-free+-Download+-calendar+-sites+-edge+-going+-Compatibility+-AppleScript+-customer+-QuarkXpress&gs_l=hp.3...43091.49778.24.50464.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.ZGU&fp=5691d50dedd6d3b0&ion=1&biw=1280&bih=862
====== When asked to fax a CORGI ======
====== Find the landlord's fax and phone number in FileMaker. if it's the pink copy, a clone copy must first be made to enable the fax to appear properly, phone to check if received.
AutoFit Buttons and Field Labels to Fit Text
08/02/2013 MS: Ask FileMaker how to AutoFit
Buttons and Field Labels to fit Text: Stretch, expand/reduce object size. (This
is NOT the solution: http://forums.filemaker.com/posts/5f44326083).
FileMaker Unexpectedly Quits
MS: Ask FileMaker: Whys does it bomb out when pressing Ctrl+Tab, in the
Inspector, trying to switch between two Files.
No Inspector Help
04/02/2013 MS: Ask FileMaker: Why does the Inspector Combox not have a
“FileMaker Help” Question Mark?
Clipboard retains the Text until Paste was invoked
16/10/2013 MS: Ask FileMaker: How to ensure when Cut Text, that the
Clipboard retains the Text until Paste was invoked. This problem is kept under wraps as FileMaker
is afraid users will abandon FileMaker if it comes out in the open . . .
Rotate Tabbed Panels
18/10/2013 MS: Ask FileMaker: How to "rotate tabbed panels" in FileMaker
sideways, to achieve the look of the Lotus Vertical Tabbing System (mimicking the real life Folder Divider Tabs)
Hide Vertical Scroll Bar
MS: Ask FileMaker: Is it possible to set to “Hide
when printing” the “Vertical Scroll Bar”?
Dynamically Change Labels
17/05/2013 MS Ask FileMaker how to Dynamically change Labels on buttons in a Custom Dialog Box (See: [i] for a Google Search of "Dynamic" "button" "Labels" "filemaker" "Custom Dialog" -logo -radio -"input field" -accounting -bento -INSTALLATION -scheduler –training).
[i] https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22Dynamic%22+%22button%22+%22Labels%22+%22filemaker%22+%22Custom+Dialog%22+-logo+-radio+-%22input+field%22+-accounting+-bento+-INSTALLATION+-scheduler+-training&aq=f&oq=%22Dynamic%22+%22button%22+%22Labels%22+%22filemaker%22+%22Custom+Dialog%22+-logo+-radio+-%22input+field%22+-accounting+-bento+-INSTALLATION+-scheduler+-training&aqs=chrome.0.57.417j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
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