Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Page V - FileMaker Pro Resources

Page V - FileMaker Pro Resources

===== Connect to FileMaker
===== *Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, or LDAP - []

===== Integrate with any piece of software  and hardware: =====
*All Google Apps,
*[ FMTouch] to Synch with iPhone and iPod,
*Online Banking
*Online viewing of Mobile Phone Account (Statements, Minutes, TxT etc.)

====== Integrate Web Objects: ======
Constant and Instant Web Publishing  []

See : [] for a FREE add-on for FileMaker Server '''''Advanced'''''

====== Mobile Integration ======
FileMaker and Mobile Devices: []

See Siruna's offering to take our FileMaker Database and connect it to any Mobile Handset:

==== Built-in TxT ====
==== SMS and TxT messages based reactive integration with alerting system for new/existing callouts ====
All the SMS's are sent via our SMS Gateway & are done by the individual via his own PC. We supply a username-pasword link to our SMS page & the operstion is simple & operates on a 'timer' system too which facilitates pre-programming...(pls see some instructions below & advertising that goes to our agents for other products too)

If there is any interest &/or further assistance needed please do not hesitate to call me... 07831 101768 or office: 0845 108 0191

====== eMailing from FileMaker ======
*Look up "majordomo" on this website, which may help in allowing FileMaker to integrate Outlook and / or interrogate eMail messages -What is majordomo? See: []) - also, see: []
*Would it be possible to integrate all the [ online social networking services] with FileMaker, so that any eMail (or other kind of) message can arrive in one centralised InBox?
*From the Vodafone New User Registration page: "Use my email as my username. Please note we can’t accept email addresses as a username that contain a dash (-)."  Remember this tip
*Message 1.0 is a FileMaker Pro In/Out Board Messaging Calendar Application which includes useful features and screens like: An Intuitive In/Out Board screen Message creation from the In/Out Board User Message Folders (New, Sent, Saved, and Deleted) To Do items and Calendar Events Day-at-a-glance view Week-at-a-glance view Month-at-a-glance view Holiday and special events creation Flexible system preferences including user security overview Cross platform (optimized for viewing on MAC and PC platforms) Multi-user - []

====== Integrating Accounting Features ======
====== Integrate with QB ======
#To connect FileMaker to QuickBooks, Excel etc. []

====== Integrate with Twitter ======

====== Integrate with Jabber ======

====== Skype ======
*[] integrated with Skype