Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Q & A - Part II

Menasche Scharf
Case: 130130-000217
Looking to solve a problem: Cannot See Hosted Database. Solved by Mark in IT Support

Data Import - Part VI

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker why the ID idea is farcical in FileMaker: I imported thousands of records with an ID that contains letters and numbers: The ID starts with four letters followed by an underscore and then five digits: URID_47607.  The idea was to 'connect' the newly imported data with existing records that have the identical IDs.  However the relationship 'went' with other IDs, that have the identical number: 47607, only the preceding text was "ING_".  Does this mean that FileMaker cannot distinguish between two differing ID's when the differentiator is text? Or am I missing out something?


Unsupported Features in FileMaker Cloud

Unsupported Features in FileMaker Cloud

With all this awesomeness why wouldn’t I want to use FileMaker Cloud!? One might ask. There are really only a handful of specific scenarios that FileMaker Cloud may not be a good fit for you and your organization.
  • External Authentication — FileMaker Cloud does not support external authentication via Active Directory/Open Directory. It does, however, support custom app authentication via FileMaker user accounts.
  • Server Side Scripts — FileMaker Cloud does not allow server side scripts to run which means you’d need your own dedicated machine of FileMaker Server.
  • Custom Web Publishing with PHP and XML — If you are, or are wanting to integrate with your website for instance, FileMaker Cloud does not support PHP or XML.
  • More than a Week of Backups — As previously stated, FileMaker Cloud comes automatically equipped to have a backup run every 20 minutes and stores a week worth of backups. If you were to want more than one week, you’d need to manually preserve specific backups.
  • Plugin Support — If you are using any plugins in your application, you’ll need to make sure they have a new version that supports Linux for the FileMaker Cloud.

Monday, November 28, 2016

How to delete unnecessary Fields in FileMaker

Export the Field/s to Excel and press Ctrl+Down. 
If the Field is empty it will go down all the way to the last Cell of the current Column. 
Now press Ctrl+Up and if the Field is empty it will go up all the way to the first Cell of the current Column (which is the Field Name). 
Continue with going down and up until you reach the last populated Column.
However if the Field is not empty then instead of hitting the bottom or the top of a Column it will stop at a Cell that contains some Data.
Highlight the Field to distinguish it from the other - Empty - Columns and do the same with all Columns containing Data.
Before continuing with this procedure,
it would make sense of course to back up the file, so that in case you make a mistake you will have the backup file to fall back on.
Now you're ready to delete the empty Fields in FileMaker: Ctrl+Select the Fields in Manage Database and hit the Delete button. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Layout Parts and other Issues - Part II

Q. How to set Different First Page (like the same setting in MSWord in the Layout Tab in the Page Setup Dialogue Box), so that the fancy letterhead print ONLY on the first page and doesn't print on subsequent pages of the same Layout?
A.  Place the fancy letterhead parts in the Body Part, as opposed to placing it in the Header / Footer Part(s).

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Q. How do I delete all Rows that have no Data in the second Column?
A. See the following Excel Teaching Resources:,mod=13&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=%22find+and+replace%22+%22tab+spacing%22+-text+-import+-spelling+-labels+-sheet#hl=en&safe=active&as_qdr=all&q=%22find+and+replace%22+%22tab+spacing%22+-text+-import+-spelling+-excel+-labels+-sheet+-queries&oq=%22find+and+replace%22+%22tab+spacing%22+-text+-import+-spelling+-excel+-labels+-sheet+-queries&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=serp.3...29358.30435.0.31114.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=6f9478a7e93b12c7&biw=1024&bih=612