Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Collect Data from Submitted Forms from within FileMaker

Stephen Goodson, 9-10-2010:

I just figured it out. You can get the data from a submitted HTML form all within FileMaker.

All with a calculation.

And in fact, it’s actually easy if you use an external webpage (“google”) or a local one (index.htm) in your webviewer.

Here is the calc:
Let([$url = GetLayoutObjectAttribute ("WebViewer1"; "source") ;
$query = Right($url; Length($URL) - Position($URL; "?";1;1))]
;Substitute ($query;”&”;”¶”))

You only need to parse out the Field/Value data!

I also have it working based on a text field in the database which is an html form.

The Webviewer displays that form, and, with a little calculation magic, displays that submitted data using the calc above.

I’ll save that one for another time.

Brian Schick, 8-29-2007

Thanks, Geoff.

Your feedback solved the issue.

In case it’s of value to anyone else, here’s the simple function we’re using now in web viewers to point to files contained in container fields.

This is now working fine with files on both local and remote volumes:
Let ([
   _path = GetAsText ( [table]::[attachmentField]) ;
   _hasEntry = Length ( _path ) > 0 ;
   _path = "file:///Volumes/" & Substitute ( GetValue ( _path ; 2 ) ; "filemac:/" ; "" )
   ] ;

   If (_hasEntry ; _path )

Add to RFC2516

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