Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Friday, January 29, 2016

====== Data Reader Integration ======

====== Data Reader Integration ====== from


Thursday, January 28, 2016

FileMaker Add-ons, Plug-Ins

FileMaker Add-ons, Plug-Ins

* - European manufacturer of a SQL plugin for FileMaker Pro.
* - Developers of Filemaker Pro plug-ins and custom solutions.
* - Offers quality well-known plugins for FileMaker
* - Manufacturer of calendar and data filter plug-ins for FileMaker Pro.
* - Developers of a SQL/ODBC plugin for FileMaker Pro.
* - Developers of imaging and charting plug-ins for FileMaker Pro.
* - FileMaker Pro Plugins for Email, Fax and TCP communications - Reactor v2
* Layouts, Solutions, Templates, Scripts, type ahead functionality, PHP Site Assistant, Event Alerts, FileMaker XML DDR, SQL Statements in Scripts on FileMaker Data, Bar Code fonts from,

Date Picker jQuery Plugin to Fit in Your Web Application: Date Picker jQuery Plugin allows users select a date or a range selection of dates easily.
It has a lot of options and easy to fit in your web application.
It supports multiple calendars in the component.
We can mark dates as special, weekends, special days.
FMSmallBusiness (FMSB) is a complete solution for running a small business that tracks Contacts, Calendars, Schedules, Activities, Projects, Documents, Letters, Products, Invoices, and more.
Think of it as a CRM (customer relationship manager) with more power.

Q. I remember that Jonathan was talking about a FileMaker plug in that allows mailshots to be created using the eMail addresses in our customer database.  
Did he leave any details with you?

A. Create eMail Shots for marketing - SMTP-IT utility - see Wiki

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

PHPLD = PHP Link Directory

====== PHPLD - a PHP Database Plugin ======

phpLD is now the most widely used directory script on the internet. 

Our customers have tested the script on 50,000 websites, and we have been able to produce a script that works in nearly all PHP hosting environments.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Plug Ins

====== Plug Ins for: Bar Code, OCR, OMR, RFID, ASCII, XML ======

Friday, January 22, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Unlock a Record used by another User

====== Suggestion 12 ======

FileMaker Pro allows one User to notify another User that he wants to access a Record that is now in use by the other User.  This way, Records are not indefinitely locked for editing.

The next level would be to have a time-span of five minutes, where if the system 'senses' that a User is not busy with a Record, it will release it after a warning to the current User ("Alert! If you don't work with this Record anymore, the system will kick you out in one minute"), so that another user can get access to this Record.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Self Service Helpdesk

====== Suggestion 11 ======

Create one page with Instructions on "How To" for every operation in the office / company

Use Wikipages to setup these How To pages.

This will reduce calls to the helpdesk.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Who is doing What

====== Suggestion 10 ======

There should be a Drop Down Menu with all Users, where if one User passes a message/job/task about a Job to another User, he can Select the destination User as the new person who's dealing with this Job.

The job has now been re-assigned/escalated from the current User to the other User, who in turn can allocate the job to the original User or to another User, making them the "current User".

This way all Users know and are constantly aware who is dealing with whatever Job.

This is where an Audit Trail can come in handy: you can see exactly who dealt with a particular job, how long for etc., to ensure service levels are properly monitored, evaluated and - if necessary: improved.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Automate the Drop Down Menu

Automate the Drop Down Menu

====== Suggestion 9 ======
When selecting a Boiler Model, if it's a combi, the Hot Water Drop Down Menu should disappear.

If the Combi only serves Hot Water and Heat is served by Gas Fires / Electricity, this feature (that the Drop-Down Menu disappears) should be overriden by clicking on it, so as to allow for entering the make / means of Heating.

Q. Can we have a DropDown Menu also in the Properties Tab, like we already have in the Company/Staff and Associated Company Tabs?
A. I can do it, but then there will be issues like in the Company/Staff Dropdown, i.e. do you actually have the right Property - in a case that there are two Address Records with the same data, and how to find the Property in the predicted list. 
The other method of adding a property to a landlord/managing agent... is to create the tenant record add the address as you have to do any way, then add the landlord/managing agent... in the address box. 
Or in a scenario where you have just now created a tenant record and the landlord does not exist yet, so you create a landlord record a managing agent record (if not yet in the database) now you want to associate them with the tenant what you should do is tag the tenant as soon as you are finished with it so after creating other records you can go straight back to it. 
Having mentioned the Tag word let me assure you that I'm still going to develop it so each tagged record will be time-stamped and will be sorted in the list of tagged records, also there will be an option of clearing all tagged records, all records older then the current date, all tagged Records older then 2 day and so on...

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Introduction: Integrate eCommerce, Part II

==========   SQL Server Licensing ==========
Many people seem to have a lot of questions and miss-understandings about SQL Server licensing. Microsoft does make SQL Server an affordable option for small companies and development shops. Our software operates on a FREE version of SQL Server, called "SQL Server 2005 Express" which can support from 1 - 10 users without a problem, and can support up to 20 users if the transaction load is light. This is the version we use for our on-line demo which gets a lot of traffic. For more information about this free version of SQL Server, please visit:

==========  Integral Accounting Enterprise 2007 v2 ==========
A complete Accounting and ERP system, with full source code and distribution rights, completely written in VB Dot Net and ASP Dot Net, and using SQL Server 2005, 2005 Express, 2008, or 2008 Express for it's database It has many advanced features, including Multi-Language Support, Multi-Currency Support, support for multiple companies, divisions, departments, warehouses, bins, and automatic consolidation of financial statements across divisions and departments. The latest information can be found here: or for an online demo, log onto:*RptListLeadInformation

*Lead Information (Choose "DINOS" for Company: "Default" for Division and "Default" for Department and Demo (Capital D) for User name and Demo (D) for Password)

========== Microsoft Empower Development Environment: ==========
We also get a lot of questions about the expense of programming in the Dot Net Environment. All of the development tools necessary to work with the Enterprise software are available from Microsoft at a very low price. If you are a developer, you can receive SQL Server Enterprise, Visual Studio, Windows Server, and all of the software that you need to develop for the Integral Accounting Enterprise package for only $375 USD simply by joining the Microsoft Empower program. For more information about Empower, please follow this link:

========== More details ==========
* or similar Membership.
*Transaction details should be stored on FileMaker.
*At some point records (excl. card details) will be copied “(not cut)” to QuickBooks, for bookkeeping purposes.
*After service is complete an email can be sent to the customer detailing the service, providing any necessary documentation (e.g. CORGI certificate pdf), and asking user to give feedback on the service.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Jobs View - Existing and New

====== Suggestion 8 ======

When logging on, every User should be alerted about new / outstandanding jobs in a list displayed as a dialogue box that needs to be OK by clicking the OK button.

This way, we don't have to eMail each other all the time, as all info is centralised in FileMaker.

Any new job that arrives to the office during the day is flagged to the relevant user with a job-specific-individual alert (as opposed to the collective combo box we just described, which only pops up when the user logs in in the morning).

Monday, January 11, 2016

Prevent unwanted changes to Records

====== Suggestion 7 ======
Date: 11 September 2008
From: Berish
Maybe we should design a popup asking if you want to edit this record, before making any changes to a Record.
Once the User confirms, only then should the change take effect
This will help in a situation when people make a mistake, that whilst looking at a record they change something.
If they are prompted to confirm the change, it will avoid many headaches.

Date:  30/10/2009
RFC # 221
To Amram:

You changed the Contacts form so that it cannot be edited but now I cannot change the Credit Status!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Auto-Fill "County" Field

====== Suggestion 6 ======

The County Field in the Properties File should have a selectable scrollable non-editable List of all Counties in the UK, it's available from the Contacts File

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Feature Requests

Feature Request
When reporting an error or a bug, the Technical Support people always want to know details of the system, platform and version.  It would be nice if FileMaker were to provide these details in a copyable format, like it is in MS applications.

For example, the About Dialogue Box that pops up when I click on Help->About FileMaker Pro...->Info - Copy Button should do the trick.

Feature Request
The Option to Tick or UnTick the following Boxes should be avaialble separately for Browse and Find Modes:
Behavior->Field Entry->Go to next object using: Tab and/or Return and/or Enter.
Ideally, it should be possible to select -
 - Go to next object using: Tab and Return not Enter for Browse Mode
 - Go to next object using: Tab and Enter not Return for Find Mode

Feature Request
When deleting a Field, FileMaker Pro helpfully suggest that the User should carefully consider whether or not the Delete Button should be clicked, as all Data in the Field will be lost.
It would help if FileMaker Pro could inform the User where in the Table this Field is located and which Record contains Data.
This will save the user from the uncertainty trying to deciding if this Field should be deleted or not.

Feature Request
When importing data, there are about a dozen points that need to be taken into account, before the data is finally imported.  It would be much more user friendly if these are organised in a step-by-step sequence, which makes the import function this more manageable.
For example, just before effecting the data import a dialogue box pops up:

The questions presented in this dialogue box should be grouped with the following questions, found in the main dialogue box:
Add remaining Data as new records
Don't import the first record (contains field names)

Who does What

====== Suggestion 5 ======

The System needs to show next to every job the details of the engineer who has been tasked to do the service / supplier who needs to deliver the goods.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

QuickBooks and FileMaker

====== Suggestion 4 ======
Enter all Item Descriptions from QuickBooks into FileMaker.

The advantages are: Unified message across the board, whatever the team tells customers about a product or service - based on information in FileMaker - the exact same information should appear on the invoice that they receive, and vice versa.


Installation electrical Certificate:
1. We will confirm that the Installation Certificate was processed 
2. Following that, wait two hours and call your supplier to confirm that your records have been updated on their computer system. 
3. If the answer is positive, request that they send the Electricity Supply Top-Up Key. 
4. An appointment may have to be arranged to reset the meter on some occasions.

Gas Card Instructions for Use: 
1. Check the correct meter 
2. Insert card for two minutes to register 
3. Check the balance on the Card Meter 
4. Place money on card (Top-Up) 
5. Card is ready for use