========== SQL Server Licensing ==========
Many people seem to have a lot of questions and miss-understandings
about SQL Server licensing. Microsoft does make SQL Server an affordable option
for small companies and development shops. Our software operates on a FREE
version of SQL Server, called "SQL Server 2005 Express" which can
support from 1 - 10 users without a problem, and can support up to 20 users if
the transaction load is light. This is the version we use for our on-line demo
which gets a lot of traffic. For more information about this free version of
SQL Server, please visit: http://www.microsoft.com/express/sql/default.aspx.
========== Integral Accounting
Enterprise 2007 v2 ==========
A complete Accounting and ERP system, with full source code and
distribution rights, completely written in VB Dot Net and ASP Dot Net, and
using SQL Server 2005, 2005 Express, 2008, or 2008 Express for it's database It
has many advanced features, including Multi-Language Support, Multi-Currency
Support, support for multiple companies, divisions, departments, warehouses,
bins, and automatic consolidation of financial statements across divisions and
departments. The latest information can be found here:
http://www.integralaccounting.com or for an online demo, log onto: http://www.stfb.net/Enterprise/EnterpriseASP/reports/Main.aspx?ReportID=1746977450*RptListLeadInformation
http://www.integralaccounting.com or for an online demo, log onto: http://www.stfb.net/Enterprise/EnterpriseASP/reports/Main.aspx?ReportID=1746977450*RptListLeadInformation
*Lead Information (Choose "DINOS" for Company: "Default" for Division and "Default" for Department and Demo (Capital D) for User name and Demo (D) for Password)
========== Microsoft Empower Development Environment: ==========
We also get a lot of questions about the expense of programming in the
Dot Net Environment. All of the development tools necessary to work with the
Enterprise software are available from Microsoft at a very low price. If you
are a developer, you can receive SQL Server Enterprise, Visual Studio, Windows
Server, and all of the software that you need to develop for the Integral
Accounting Enterprise package for only $375 USD simply by joining the Microsoft
Empower program. For more information about Empower, please follow this link: http://empowerforisv.com/
========== More details ==========
*TrustedWebTraders.com or similar Membership.
*Transaction details should be stored on FileMaker.
*At some point records (excl. card details) will be copied “(not cut)”
to QuickBooks, for bookkeeping purposes.
*After service is complete an email can be sent to the customer
detailing the service, providing any necessary documentation (e.g. CORGI
certificate pdf), and asking user to give feedback on the service.
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