Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to OnTabSwitch
navigate to Tab within a tab script (See: ), so that when the Status is set as
Associate, the “Associated Companies” Tab should show, instead of the default
“Associated Persons” Tab (See: [cccxcvii]
See: [cccxcvii]
and http://sixfriedrice.com/wp/tab-controls-without-the-tabs/
Menasche Scharf
Sage advice from: The slide up,
also shrink enclosing part feature will do what you want.
But.... The feature
will only be visible in preview mode or when you print the report.
But... This
feature is tricky.
If you have multiple fields on your layout, changing the
position of a field even 1 pixel may affect whether the fields slide and shrink
If I have to make major use of the sliding property, I often set up
a script to a) preview the report b) pause c) return to browse mode.
paused, the user sees what the report will look like if they print it and has
the option of either printing hard copy or just continuing the script to return
to browse mode.
See: http://forums.filemaker.com/posts/97002a7b31?opentoken=QXBpS2V5PTEwYzgwZjlkODliMjcwNmUmcF9jaWQ9MTQ2MzAzNCZwX2VtYWlsLmFkZHI9bWVuYXNjaGUlNDBrbGJka29zaGVyLm9yZyZwX25hbWUuZmlyc3Q9TWVuYXNjaGUmcF9uYW1lLmxhc3Q9U2NoYXJmJlNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb249MiZTaWduYXR1cmU9UmtkQUJNT0thUmh2YUdHRzJKd08wNG5Td1lNJTNEJnBfc2Vzc2lvbmlkPUtLMWlUZ1FsJnBfdGltZXN0YW1wPTEzOTU5MTQ1MDM*
Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker if I change the spelling
of a Value List, does it ‘scramble’ the Formulations, Scripts and Functions
throughout the system, wherever this Value List occurs in them?
Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to arrange the Hand
over a Button not to show, when the Script will not be able to execute.
Example: A M Todd (the very first Record on the Main_Menu_Table, has no Factory
Visits listed against it, so nothing happens when the FV Button is
pressed. Same for Followup Button.
Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker -the dragging in the
Script List Dialog Box should allow interrupted scrolling; at the moment, you
can only drag the full heigth of the Dialog Box, which requires the User to
start and stop dragging, after moving the Slider one 'page' at a time.
Menasche Scharf
Remember: Either do not block user
abort or include an end loop if. The latter is extremely important if you run
the script on the server.
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