Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

FileMaker Ideas

===== Ideas =====
We always try to keep FileMaker and QB up to date. This means that any new customer detail should be added so that it saves time for all users when they look for a telephone number/email address/etc.
Enter property details from incoming eMails into FileMaker
Enter job details from incoming eMails into FileMaker
Enter tenant details from incoming eMails into FileMaker
Enter Customer details from incoming eMails into FileMaker
*See [] for the Vesk virtualisation - could be used to host our TimeWyze solution **

=== BizRules ===
Collate all ideas/suggestions/tips/references etc. from BizRules FileMaker Pro file on the server into here

====== Help the FileMaker Project
Defining Database needs
Adding to Database Design
Choosing best replacement for current setup
New System Features Grid/Chart
Topic: Finished Repairs Report - sorted by Invoice Number

====== Maybe the colour of the Row should change to green if the invoice number is present.  Can you run such a Script/Formula on the existing Data Set/ This way we can visually alert all users to outstandingjobs/invoicing

NB: all FileMaker data is currently in the [[FileMaker|FileMaker General]] page, and has not yet been split into the separate phase pages

If you want to delete a Record without bringing up the Confirmation Dialogue, press the CTRL+SHIFT+E Keys simultaneously.

See also:[published]~objecttype~objecttype[idea]&sortKey=recentActivityDate

Plug Ins, Component and other Bolt On Listing

We should stop a for a couple of moments and see if we are not reinventing the wheel: * and other plug-ins on the same website. *ContactGrabber and other plug-ins on the same website *[]  list of FileMaker Utilities, Plug-Ins etc. *[] list of FileMaker Developers, Utilities, Plug-Ins etc. FMC-Outlook™ is a certified FMComponent™ that utilizes the FMConnector™ (learn more) to communicate between any FileMaker® Pro solution and Microsoft Outlook®. FMC-Outlook™ enables Outlook Contacts, Outlook eMails, Outlook Tasks, Outlook Appointments and Outlook Notes, to be created directly from a FileMaker® Pro solution, or retrieved to your FileMaker solution, and be fully synchronized both real-time or when returning to the office. []

FileMaker Related Links II

Third Party Links: Bulletin Board  SuperContainer for Document Management - search for query=filemaker not macintosh] Base Elements and UpdateManager
Leading Filemaker Pro developers, Sussex UK based Deskspace Limited


LinkedIn Links I

LinkedIn Links I



 * FileMaker Pro questions FileMaker Pro questions FileMaker Pro questions XML Support To Be Discontinued? How to use portal records information to create an entry on a new record that is related table to the main table? What are the practical limitations of FileMaker?


====== Permission ======
*Please see the links below, it could speed up development of our solutiuon immensely:
For our telephone system: or
 *Use the Items, Descriptions and Prices in the cpc website to integrate into the Estimating Module.
If we're looking for a particular tool, consumable or peripheral, the search tool should link into cpc's catalogue so that it can interrogate their product list and bring back the requested details. *See specifically about live feeds from Excel: []
 *Check what files your FileMaker database server is serving (including hidden files) as well as the server platform []
 *This utility can be used to test the security of your own FileMaker web server [] 
*FileMaker Pro with Drupal []

Solutions to Queries in our RFC List

* Record 1124: How to cut down on the time spent typing addresses -

 * Record 1123: How to verify IP addresses and match them with Postcodes: - to be used as a form of Order Confirmation

 * Record 1051:  [

 * Record 1135: See this url for a solution to the ever present problem of: "before typing, press Tab or click in a Field, or choose the New Record menu command" dialogue box that appears all the time.

Date: 16/09/2009
Script to Duplicate a Property Address Record for buildings with multiple Tenants in their individual units (Studios, flats, offices etc.)

Date: 30/10/2009
RFC #: 219
Each featur request should be implemented on a FIFO basis: First come, first Served.

FileMaker Related Links III

FileMaker's own links:

====== FileMaker Fora: ======

FM Forum


FM Forums

*Tips and Advice

*FileMaker Q and A Forum

FileMaker in the Palm of your hand - FileMaker has released a FileMaker Mobile Companion for PalmOS.
Users of the best-selling database program can now bi-directionally transfer and synchronize files between their desktop and palmtop computers.

FileMaker Mobile allows users to select and load the data they require from the desktop machine onto their PalmOS handheld.
The data can then be resynched with the desktop database via Palm HotSync technology.

FileMaker Mobile is available for both Windows and MacOS.
The Windows system requirements include a Pentium 90 or higher, Windows 95/98/2000 or NT4 (SP3+), 32Mb RAM, a USB or serial port, Palm Desktop 3.01 or later and FileMaker Pro 5.0v3 (English version).
The handheld must run PalmOS 3.1 or later, have 2Mb of storage and a HotSync cradle or cable.

Simon Aughton - Tuesday 12th December 2000

Sunday, June 12, 2011

FileMaker Resources - FMPRO Migrator

FmPro Migrator - Migrates FileMaker to MySQL FmPro Migrator quickly and accurately migrates FileMaker Pro database structure and data to Oracle and MySQL. Large text and container field image data from FileMaker Pro is migrated to Oracle and MySQL with no manual data entry."

FileMaker Resources - IMS

FileMaker - Information Management System
FileMaker Pro 8 PDF Maker
inventory management system
digital assets storage container: store product information, illustrations, QuickTime files
track every job from start to finish

[edit] FileMaker and SuperContainer
Store and retrieve Documents PDF and other files using the SuperContainer Plug-In which uses FileMaker's Global Field Web Server Function (TBC) -"

FileMaker Resources - Speedier FileMaker

Solution for slow database"

FileMaker Resources - SMTP-IT

FileMaker Resources - FileToolbox

A plug-in for FileMaker products that provides low-level file manipulation routines, including, create, read, write, delete, directory listings, encoding, encrypting and message digests."

FileMaker Resources - Tracking

Project: to keep track of all the Contacts details

CALAMAR Time Billing - Time Tracking
[edit] PopTime 1.0
A simple plug-in which displays a dialog for Time input
[edit] datamecsoftware
 - Web Based CRM: Access Customer Details via the Web
- Bulletin Express: Broadcast to thousands of email contacts

[edit] Ancilla
Filemaker 7 Based Helpdesk, used to track support calls, integrated knowledge base, can organize downloads, and asset management system

FileMaker Resources - Interface

Splash Screen
in Flash in QuickTime

See also:

As an alternative, try using HTML 5.0;source=hp&;q=HTML+5.0+&;meta=

Seasonal Message Generation:;highlight=clock

Limited to 30 Day Trial Version to combat and protect Software Theft Piracy;highlight=clock;_ylt=A1f4cfhG9PJKwhYA8n9LBQx.?p=filemaker+pro+development+%22anti+piracy%22+-mac&;fr2=sb-top&;fr=yfp-t-702&;rd=r1&sao=1

FileMaker Resources - Version Control

FileMaker & Web Resources

Twitter and FileMaker Pro
Q. Is it possible to pull Tweets into FileMaker? I've seen a few post on how to go from FileMaker to Twitter, but not the other way around. A. 1. use the built in RSS feed for any twitter stream and then transform it with XSL into a FileMaker compatible grammar
[edit] Skype integrated with Skype 
[edit] Dot Net or .Net fmDotNet is a .NET class to exchange data through FileMaker Server's web publishing engine. fmDotNet is written in C# using .NET 2.0.

FileMaker Utilities - Advanced

Incoming eMail messages into FIleMaker:,a49e7014,POP3it.html
Related to a problem we discussed some time ago: Re: Parse out carriage returns:
[edit] DONE - Re POP3it:
Amram emailed me about it, and I have responded to him. Originally I had read that you have to register/pay for pop3it, however you found something that seemed to suggest that you didn't have to register the prog, so we left it and did not register nor pay. However now the program (Amram tells me) is asking to be registered, so I guess you will have to pay
[edit] TxT from FileMaker to Mobiles:

FileMaker Resources - Records, Formatting etc.

Records Entered according to User Permission/LogIn

Resize or Maximise Window:

[edit] Calendar

[edit] Scheduling rental of Equipment:

FileMaker Resources - Spelling

Misspellings, Near Misses and Natural Language Recognition
Using Nexidia's patent-pending technology and products for audio-video search, users can locate, index, and access specific passages within presentations with greater speed and precision than otherwise possible. Furthermore, users benefit from unsurpassed accuracy as the Nexidia solution is based on phonetic technology, enabling searches and mining to be conducted in a natural manner against the distinct phonemes or sound elements of human speech. This unique approach enables the identification of words, phrases and names regardless of accents, dialects, slang, recording quality, or even misspelling...
See more:

Date: 25/09/2009
RFC #:173
Can we have a utility to cONVERT WORDS tHAT hAVE bEEN tYPED bY mISTAKE iN cAPITALS tO Lower Case?

Date: 13/10/2009
RFC #: 191
Spelling Checker doesn't allow me to TEACH him new words(?)

Date: 25/09/2009
RFC #:170
Please whenever you make a Field Name or Instructions in FileMaker, run it by a spelling checker. 
This will ensure we have a legible interface.

Filemaker Utilities

[edit] Active and non-active Records
[edit] DropDown Menu
[edit] Nested Menu
[edit] Clear DropDown Menu Selection
[edit] Deduplication
Software that will work with FileMaker

Data Import II: Importing Records

1. 1. Webviewer set to the address used as the get request should work. Then you can grab the source code for the html and parse it out.

1.2. You can add a java based 'module' or plugin to grab the data for you.

Q. It looks to me that many records were imported twice: once with, and once without the company name.  
I accept that this was required for Employer/Employees (or as you call it Company/Staff) purposes.  
However where there is only a Company, we don't need Company/Company relationships do we?  
It is not urgent, but sometime in the future (after you finish the accounts module?) please delete all records that are identical except that one has a company name and the other hasn't.

Q. There are many details in the fields that were not imported from the old contact file: Position, Department and Notes for example. 
Whenever I try to contact a gas engineer, all the pertinent details are practically lost. Is there any way to import them into the new file, in the Notes Field for example?
A. 22/10/2009 Menasche says: This task can be made easier, if you duplicate the original contacts file and Find all Records that have no notes in Notes Field (or all the other Fields mentioned in this request). 
Then choose Delete Found Records, which will leave you with a smaller File that contains the Records we need to work with.

Q. How can I arrange the Import Field Mapping Dialogue Box to only import Data that Matches a Field AND create a NEW Record IF the Data is NOT already in the Target Database?
Example: I have exported Records from one Table in FileMaker that need to be imported into another Table in FileMaker.  Problem is: some of the Data from the Source might already be in the Target Table. 
Step One is to Match Records,
Step Two is to esnure existing Data is NOT overwritten,
Step Three is to ensure that the Data that is not yet in the Target Table reaches it.
A. Change the Field Mapping Symbol to the Equal Sign: = for every Field that you are afraid that you will lose the Data: If the Data is not present it will be added (remember to tick the option "Add remaining data as new records") and if it is present, then it will be overwritten with the identical Data.

FileMaker SQL

Google Groups: comp.databases.filemaker - Which would you use here, FM or SQL? - Excelisys :: Database Development Page :: Filemaker Pro Consulting and Database Development, Lasso, Servoy, MySQL

6. Examples of MoleSoft solutions

3 Sources for Dynamic Lists


2. and



Reports and Statements

Print Statements with data from various Tables:

eMailing from FileMaker

eMailing from within FileMaker

Look up 'majordomo' on this website, which may help in allowing FileMaker to integrate Outlook and / or interrogate eMail messages.

What is majordomo? See:

also, see:

Would it be possible to integrate all the online social networking services with FileMaker, so that any eMail (or another kind of) message can arrive in one centralised InBox?

From the Vodafone New User Registration page:
'Use my email as my username. Please note we can’t accept email addresses as a username that contain a dash (-).'

Remember this tip
Message 1.0 is a FileMaker Pro In/Out Board Messaging Calendar Application which includes useful features and screens like:

An Intuitive In/Out Board screen Message creation from the In/Out Board User Message Folders (New, Sent, Saved, and Deleted)

To Do items and Calendar Events Day-at-a-glance view Week-at-a-glance view Month-at-a-glance view Holiday and special events creation Flexible system preferences including user security overview Cross platform (optimized for viewing on MAC and PC platforms) Multi-user -

Date: 03/09/2009
Q. Is it possible to eMail PDF of Invoices?

===== eMail and Calendar =====
Dacons FileMaker Plug-Ins:  Connect Filemaker to BIS (=BlackBerry Information System/Server) 

To create animated text effects

To create animated text effects, like fading, sequence (as in 'Waiting . . .', where the dots are alternating) see: and preceding comments URI_scheme Base64 data Text Conversion Tool extract data from databases

FileMaker Resources 023 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki:

iPod and iPhone
to synchronise the iPhone with Server data, see also: 'a team of FileMaker developers is celebrating the release of FileMaker 10 with a free database designed for the iPhone Build FileMaker Web Applications with Apple's iPhone SDK

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki:

Reminders and Alerts

Credit Card Processing I downloaded it to the FM 10 Folder in the Installers Folder FileMaker World WebRing

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki: "SyncDeK - FileMaker Pro Synchronization
WorldSync Announces SyncDeK - FileMaker Pro Synchronization: ... SyncDeK application built as a next generation Java-based service. ... company offices, manufacturing plants, ISP-hosted databases, engineering teams, research ... comp.databases.filemaker - 26 Aug 2003 by Jay Gonzales - View Thread (1 article)  

FileMaker Resources 033 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki:

Time Delayed Copy Protection

Capital Letter and lower case text

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki: "Change Lower Case to Capital Upper Case Letters

Q. Can you CapitalisE all Types in the Type Field?
A. Do you mean the whole word should be in Uppercase or just the first letter of each word?
Q. Just the first letter of each word (until I change my mind ;-] - sorry!)

Q. The Field Name doesn't convert the letters after the first letter to lower case - why?
A. It used to upper case it, but then one day I typed in the Name Field of the first Record - EDF... and it turned it into Edf, so I disconnected the Script for this field.
Q. Can you not Script the Field with a logic that interrogates the text; if it's an acronym of a company name (like EDF: Electrice de France), then don't change All Caps to Capitalise First Letter

Q. The feature to CAPITALISE all first letters in address Fields is extremely useful. 
Please can you make an exception for Postcodes? 
The Script should check if there is a DIGIT in the text (example: E5) than it should make it all CAPITALS.

Q. How to remove Title Case in text field?

Q. The feature to CAPITALISE all first letters in Contact Fields is extremely useful. 
How can I set up this feature with the exception to the following words: "and", "for" or "in" - see examples below:
"The Hare and Fox Pub" -  "The Association for Caring Parents" - "The Membership List in London"

Upper Case Caps Capital

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki:


FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 022 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki: "FileMaker Pro Questions
[edit] Q. Why are there no ScreenTips in FMP v6.0?
A. This is now rectified, we have FileMaker 10!

[edit] Q.What is 'Graphic Reporting'.
A. This is dumb data that FileMaker displays when you choose Show Sample Data (from the View Menu) in Layout Mode and the Fields that contain no Data from the curreently browsed Record are filled with this piece of illogical text: 'Graphic Reporting'.

[edit] Q. How can I import a Layout from one File to another?
A.. Look up the answer HERE

[edit] Q. FileMaker

[edit] Q. FileMaker Shortcuts
A. mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\FileMaker\FileMaker%20Pro%2010\English%20Extras\Help\fmpro.chm::/keys_win.27.1.html

[edit] Q. FileMaker Documentation

[edit] Q, FileMaker Forum

FileMaker Resources 001 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki:

"Beta Test Testing, Error Trapping and Debugging

See more:"

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki:

Error Codes"

To sort out:

Find out about 'double layer conditional value list' Is it possible to have a Conditional Tab Order?  In other words, the Tab Order should rearrange itself, depending on certain logic.

FileMaker  RFC
Calculations on layouts: it would be very useful to be able to create calculations on the fly for presentation only in new objects to be...

FileMaker cannot . . .
In order to speed up development, there should be a feature that allows Setting Defaults for Fields, Scripts etc.
Example: All new Fields should be set to 'Select entire contents on entry' or Script every Text Field to clear out all superfluous spaces, tabs and lines when pasting Copied ext.

FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki:

"FileMaker could be better... Better

Try adapting Excel ideas to FileMaker:‎formatting/ ‎"

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki: "Screen Refresh Problem"
This problem was solved by adding the Script Step 'Refresh' to the Open File Script"

Ask FileMaker
Looks like the Refresh Check Box in the Switch to Layout Script Step has been removed in the later versions of FileMaker Pro.

FileMaker Resources 004 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki:

"Conditional Formatting of Layouts


FileMaker Resources 003 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki: "FileMaker 11 Problems" for acknowledged FMP 11 bugs.
[edit] FileMaker cannot Scroll
When I am in a portal and I want to Scroll with the Mouse Wheel, it pages the Main Records, not the Records in the Portal
[edit] FileMaker cannot Help
When the Inspector Dialogue Box is open and active (in front of other Layouts/Windows) in Layout Mode, the 'F1' Function Key doesn't seem to work"

FileMaker can(not) print to a Label Printer

I am trying to create a receipt using Dymo Label 3027,(2.25 x 300 feet).
The receipt will not be the same length for each time. I currently created a custom label of 2.25 x 3.25 inches.
The label has a Title Header, body, and Grand trailing Summary.
My test data has 15 items with description and prices.
In preview mode the label is 3 pages long.
I try to print the Dymo Labeler prints the last page and about 6 inches of blank space.
Then the printing stops and the printer window shows "printed two sheets of three sheets".
Then I pulled out the paper and reinstalled the label in the printer and it prints page two with the same space after second page.
Then, I remove and reinstall and load paper and the first page prints the same as the first 2 pages.
Then I have to delete the print job request.
Then I changed the paper length to make it one label.
The results are the label prints fine, but the blank space at the end continues to be an issue.
The printer does not complete job status so I need to delete the print job in Printer window.
I have gone under printer options before printing and changed the paper handle to "normal" and "reverse" and the results are the same as above.

Label Printer in the future, for printing individual mailing address labels

FileMaker Resources 012 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki:
FileMaker limitations
Check this out as it may make your developer life so much easier:


FileMaker cannot make Fields Grow . . .
When there is a text of various sizes, the Field show increase in size according to the amount of text.
Example: Job Description in an invoice

Date: 29/09/2009
RFC#: 178
I discussed it with you already once before. We have a job that involves a converted house into two flats. 
Now the landlord wants to separate the services (Water, Gas, Electricity or גמ"ח, which stands for גז, מים, חשמל). 
Where do I put the notes for this job? 
I think that we need a layer for main property and below that a layer for sub properties like flats etc.

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki

FileMaker Resources 002 - Power Safety Wiki: "To organise"

====== A must visit: ======




FileMaker Fora (correct spelling of the plural from of "Forum")

FileMaker [ Professionals] Filemaker Business Alliance ([ FBA]) 
Filemaker [ Pro] FileMaker Pro [ Developers] FileMaker [ World] [ FMPexperts] [ FmPro User] ====== FileMaker Professionals Recruitment ====== Find developers, managers, Quality Assurance, Marketing etc.

FileMaker Advice

====== Useful Tips ======
From: Chaim Bacon (Productive IT)
Date: 2009/7/9
Subject: Re: Purchase order

Hi Menasche, You asked a few questions:
• When the recently added Route Planner calculates a route, will it pick up a topographical problem? For example, the engineer lives in Tilbury RM18 and we want to send him on a job to Thames Way, Gravesend DA11.  We (now) know that the Thames runs neatly between these two postcodes, hence it will take him a good half an hour to reach a crossing and make his way along the river, opposite from where he started his journey!  Get the gist?
• Another questions (similar, still majorly important) is as follows: the engineers start their day before 6:00AM to beat the rush hour.  Will the Route Planner advise him how to save maximal time according to known traffic patterns throughout the day?
Here are the Answers:
No. The route planner is not that intelligent. It would cost us over £100,000 per year to buy data that enables us to do that! All distances are calculated 'as the crow flies', so if rivers, roadwork or traffic gets in the way, then it's not going to know. It's great when you have a list of places to go and need a bit of help sorting out the best order. However, it should always be viewed by a person who might then realise a problem such as a river.
However it's not so stupid! It works like this:
1. You give the route planner your list of destinations and a starting point (the engineer's home or the office)
2. The route planner finds the nearest destination to the starting point (calculated as the crow flies)
3. Then that destination is set as the next starting point and the next nearest destination is found
4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all points sorted.
5. The destinations are then plotted on a Google Map
6. The Google Map shows proper directions - taking into account rivers etc.
   However, if Postcode PA had known about the rivers, then it might have chosen a different order of destinations.
7. The user can look at the map and see if anything seems to not make sense.
   if so, then can re-order the destinations.
8. Destinations can also be re-ordered because you might have promised a client an AM or PM engineer visit.
   This type of requirement could also be built into the initial script that sorts the destination list.
9. At any point while re-ordering the user can click the button to see a Google Map of the current order.
From my testing, I'd say that the Route Planner gets it right about 85% right about 85% of the time.
I hope that helps explain how it works.

==== Third Party Software ====


====== Eclair Suite of Productivity Software ======
Eclaire™ CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Freeware for SME, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Productivity Management (PRODUCTIVITY) and our solution for your personal life style (LIFESTYLE). Details about the solutions and their features and functionality you can find on our web site at: [] or for feedback and comments on our customer community at

Do what they do:

Servoy or Caspio or ConnectWise:

Which database:{"uri":"/polls/new_poll","params":{}}

====== Caspio ======

====== ConnectWise ======

What FileMaker CAN and CANNOT do:

Why NOT FileMaker:
If you’re using the FileMaker PHP API, take note that you can’t use AND and OR together in the same request.
See: (note the date of this blog)

Menasche Scharf
Why NOT FileMaker: if you have high simultaneous transactions, FileMaker is not your solution. For example, a company with many point of sale terminals from all over the county hitting it at the same time.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker - Why is it not possible to have rounded corners on a Body Part; the only way is to add a Footer.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker to add a “Duplicate” Button to the Conditional Formatting Dialogue Box. Submitted on 24/04/2014 to FileMaker.

FileMaker doesn't have a built-in hashing algorithm.

Questions about the new system

= 1. See the GoogleDocs file
[ filemaker_points]
- this has since been superceded by our In-House RFC Table in the TimeWyze Solution

2.  For more technical queries, see the
[ FileMakerPro Help Site]

3. Learn more about FileMaker Pro


Date: 23/09/2009
The RFC should the developer to issues that I want changed/added/deleted and so on, freeing up the time that would otherwise be spent on explaining it face to face.

FileMaker TidBits I

FileMaker access
FileMaker can be accessed [ '''here'''] '''CHANGE THIS URL AS WE HAVE NOW MOVED SO A NEW IP ADDRESS IS IN ORDER''' ''NB: must be on Local Area Network (LAN), i.e. in the office.''

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker - the Access Privileges should allow the splitting of iPad/iPhone (essentially "GO" Users) from regular users

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker - How to stop users logging in with the identical access token concurrently, as it seems to be 'listening' to all of their actions (dragging, typing, clicking etc.) and so is slowing everyone down.

Menasche Scharf
How FileMaker: FileMaker access properties of all the objects on a layout

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to prevent Users from creating a New Record in a Layout / Tab / Table, without using the Access privileges? (Needed to stop new records being created inside the Sales_Tracking Tab of the Kashrus Contacts Layout).

Menasche Scharf
See these Links:

Menasche Scharf
Ask for advice: How to find details inside my bookmarks


Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker why FM Go data entry takes hours to appear for other users?


=== Electrical Engineer 002 ===

From: stephen land <> Contact Details: See FileMaker under: S M Electrics Dear Mr Menasche Scharf,
it was also good to meet you on Monday and i am looking forward to working for you and your company.  I list below, the information that you require. NICEIC: 23441 my insurance is with M M A insurance. policy no. CT02 020460315 sum insured. £ 5000000.00 If payed by BACS: Account Name. Mr S M Land T/A S M Electrics Bank sort code. 60 07 38 Account no. 54386764 charges for work in north or East London areas if between 8.00am and 6.00pm are as follows; £ 30.00 call out, which will cover the first hour.
£ 20.00 per hour there after.
In addition there is the cost of parking, Material required, congestion charge.
the total invoice is subject to VAT at the current rate. If required to work in west end or south London the call out charge is £40.00 and still £20.00 per hour. (between 8.00am and 6.00pm) Periodic test and inspection fees are £70-£100.00, depending on size of property and number of circuits to be tested: PIR Rough prices: 1 - 2 Bedroom Flats: 70 3 - Bed Flat / House : 80 4 -7 Bed House: 100 Day Rate: 150 Handwritten Certificates
Average 3 bed house will cost £90.00 plus VAT if in north or East London.
Larger houses will cost more and flat could cost less. Invoices to be paid, as you said, by the end of each month. i hope this is sufficient information. Yours Sincerely Stephen Land S M Electrics 02082920271

Introduction: Integrate eCommerce, Part I

====== Introduction to Integration ==========

Integrate eCommerce with: FileMaker, QuickBooks and our website.

*eCommerce uses FileMaker as a back engine.

*Data input into eCommerece go to Contacts File, or Jobs File, which in turn should be used for invoice details.

*Invoices for eCommerce should be created in FileMaker; after every month, all Invoices should be classed by customer and then transferred in one bulk invoice for each individual Customer to QuickBooks. We will need to assign a different Invoice Reference Number (i.e. 10011 in 2002, 200123 in 2004 and we're now up to 34145 - so all eCommerece related invoices should start with a '5' like: 50542?).

*Use QReportBuilder from to combine FileMaker with QB for reporting purposes.

*Use PDM's sql plugin for filemaker pro from
to connect QODBC for QuickBooks with FileMaker.

*Once everything works in sync, upload the solution to:
and generate more revenue from the

*For technical resources about connecting FileMaker to QuickBooks, try: 

Customer Service

===== Who =====
*TxT Here
===== What =====
*TxT Here *
===== How =====
Marketing (01) Satisfaction survey, research, questionnaire, feedback
===== Carry out customer/partner/tenant surveys to assess customer retention rates etc. =====
Do a questionnaire for every job: location, floor, access, times/days, number of and ownership of appliance/s, meter location, age, tenancy age, tenant age, male/female, language spoken, is there a caretaker, carer, family member whom we can contact in case of emergencey? etc
*Online Research
*Online Knowledgebase
*Interactive Troubleshooter
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How to find overdue CORGI’s - Part I

Rules of the game: How to find overdue CORGI’s - Part I of II

=== AIM: ===
To ensure that all outstanding CORGI’s of a given period, are dealt with.
You have to do this report for every calendar month – make a report, export it to excel, delete any unnecessary column, export it to excel, sort out columns, delete surplus or any unnecessary column / entry – i.e. if you know that it’s definitely not going to be a CORGI this time around, and then fill in telephone numbers, if they are missing.
Create report on a monthly basis in QuickBooks, from the Memorised Report: “Overdue_CORGI_list” On the top toolbar go to Reports, choose Memorised Reports, then click on "Customers / Pacedream", then click on " CORGI Report".
Then fill in the appropriate dates e.g. from 01/01/04 to 31/12/04 and press enter.
Ensure that the list is for all names i.e. all landlords - customers.
If it is not, for example, it is only for Clarestar; go to Modify Report, Filter and under Current filter choice, where it says: Name; Clearstop Management - click on it and then press on Remove Selected Filter.
Then click on OK and you will have all the CORGI’s - of all landlords.
Also under Modify Report, tick Source Name.

See step-by step instructions below:

===== Create a new Report =====
To create a report from scratch, follow the instructions below:
1. Press Ctrl+F (=Find),
2. Enter the first day of the month you want a report for in the first Date Field, then enter the first day of the following month,
3. Press ENTER.
4. Click on Report,
5. Delete the “Invoice” column,
6. Widen the “Name” Column until the full telephone number and company names become visible,
7. Widen the “Memo” Column until the full address becomes visible,
8. Delete the “Account”, “Clr”, “Split”, “Amount “and “Balance” columns,
9. Click on “Modify Report…”, unTick the “Left Margin”, then unTick all the options in the “Header/Footer” Tab.
10. Press ENTER.
11. Save the report as “Overdue_CORGI_list”: Click on “Memorise”, type “Overdue_CORGI_list” (don’t paste this text!), Tick the Save in Memorised Reports Group and select “Customers”.
12. Press ENTER
13. The report is now saved under Reports->Memorised Reports->Customers In QuickBooks it is quite difficult to move around with the data so the information has to be exported to excel where it is much easier to work in. to do that go to Export, Basic, then click on a new excel workbook, OK.
Now on the Taskbar you should see a new excel document titled Book (and an Ampersand symbol) and this is the spreadsheet on which you will be *some text missing here*