Q. Can you please place the Focus on the Landlord in the "Assign Landlord etc." Combox?
Date: 17/09/2009
Can you design a Script that will allow me to re-assign a Field Contents from one Contact Record to another one?
Example: A company's Employee's Mobile Number is in the Company Contact Details, instead of in the Employee Contact Details.
Date: 18/09/2009
Q. How can I change an order that was assigned "EPC" instead of "CORGI"? See Record ID: 23045
Date: 22/10/2009
RFC: 204
The Values "Job and Office Address" and "Duplicate Address" should also allow Landlords to be assigned, just like "Job Address"
Date: 17/09/2009
When there is no Landlord or H.A. in the Assign Landlord Field, the Menu Landlord and Go shouldn't show.
It frustrates me when I click on it and nothing happens!
Date: 03/09/2009
I find that when I delete an Association between 2 records, that I need to do this in both Records.
Date: 18/09/2009
The Associate Field in the Landlord Tab never clears.
Date: 24/09/2009
Can you please make a Warning Pop-Up:
"You cannot Associate a Company as an Employee, Click on "Associated Company" and Associate the Company Contact there.
This should come up when the user tries to connect two companies as a Company / Employee relationship.
Date: 25/09/2009
RFC #: 174
Is it possible to have a selection tick box next to each record in the Tabs: Associated Company, Staff / Company etc., so that I can tick the ones I want to delete?
Date: 15/09/2009
Why do we need the Button "Associate" in the Company / Staff and Associated Company Tabs, can it not work with the Tab Key?
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