Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Friday, March 11, 2016

Job Orders in the Pipeline II

Updates for the Job Diary: Any change in the Diary should be shown on the Main Dashboard

In the Job Diary you very nicely organised ALL contact details however the Tenants details are not there, why??!

In the Access and Notes ComBox, please can you display the Tenant's details? 
This will complete the picture when enetering an order.

The Calendar in the Job Diary - Scheduled Date, doesn't work; I selected 28/09/2009 and it shows 09/09/2009.

We need to arrange the Tab Field order in the Products Ordered Layout

RFC #212
Q. How can I go to a Job Diary Record from within the Order Form Window?

The "Amount Field" in the "Payment From Client" Sub_Tab of the "Payments Tab" should be automatically filled in with the "Quotation Price", we can always change it if we only receive part-payment.

RFC #: 218
Dashboard: Should have a Scratch Pad where one can paste (or type in) numbers or addresses - anything really - for later use, which must be cleared before the end of the business day. 
Very handy if you are in middle of a case and a call comes in that requires you to take down details but as you're in middle of something else, you cannot page away from that record.

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