Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

FileMaker vs. Access - Round II

Filemaker vs Access - see the MacOSX Hints Forums

FileMaker vs. Access - Google Search:


The Making of a Solution - Part II

Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 19:02:06 +0100
Subject: RE: Daptiv (eProject) in the UK

a) You are so right!  I have been in touch with one database wizard, who we want to work with, however he is expensive and limited in time.  He suggested that we look at existing packages on the market that may fit our basic needs and then work it out with the vendor to add all the bells and whistles.  He is totally right – as well!

b) As to the project itself, we’ve been toying with the idea since we started the company 5 years ago, when I designed a database in AppleWorks on my iBook.  We then moved to FileMaker and we now have a 4 user networked FileMaker – we need a 7 user system and soon it will be 10 – as an intranet. However we’re looking for the facility to allow our customers (1000 at this point in time) to access our extranet, which will reduce our cost by routing all (or most) after-sales enquiries online.

c) As our customers are small to medium businesses, they keep begging me to design our existing system for them as well, being that they are constantly amazed from the fact that we always: 1. Have their details at our fingertips, 2. Data is current and 3. Available to most of our users.
This made me think about sub-licensing parts or the whole of the system that we are going to design – to all these customers.  The business model could be a Per-Click, Per-Seat or any other revenue generating model.  But this is for the future – we need something for us, now!

d) I am looking for a matrix where I can compare the application range we can choose from.  For example there are matrixes for Mobile and Wiki’s; see url’s below:
WikiMatrix   -   -

e) So, before going into any further work I would like to stop here and hear from you:

1. What price tag we’re talking about in terms of your contribution to this project, excluding licensing, development, implementation and training

2. Which “idea exchange platform” we’re going to use when discussing to and fro on how to formulate the project blueprint,

3. A rough timescale (or project timeline) and manpower requirements
Sorry for boring you, however it’s critical that we, as customers – explain to you, as technical - person the practical benefits that we need to achieve from the new system, whilst we expect you to work with us to make the best use of today’s available technologies.

Looking forward, Menasche

The Making of a Solution - Part I

On 23 June 2008, at 18:17, wrote:
I have posted it on eLance, look at the summary that I posted there:
“We're commissioning a database programmer to build or buy in a system that will become a ERP of sorts to include
 - Field Management System
 - Accounting
 - Decision Making
 - Marketing
 - Prospecting
 - more...
We need someone to help us build a description of what we want, need, or don't want, need.
 The person should help us:
 - set up on-line collaboration
 - bounce off ideas
 - suggest technologies / tools
- more...”

From: []
Sent: 23 June 2008 21:47
Subject: Re: Daptiv (eProject) in the UK
Hi Menasche,
My first thought is for you to look at Netsuite which combines all the features you are looking at. This is a commercial, web-hosted software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering which, although it looks more expensive than buying a database development tool, could cost you a *lot* less in the long run as much of the functionality is already delivered out of the box.
Trying to develop a system from scratch with the features you mention could become the "never-ending project with the limitless budget" so I would encourage you to take a few minutes to call me so we can discuss.
If you are planning to do this using developers from scratch then I would also suggest you budget in the additional cost of a designer and/or project manager and NOT leave the entire piece in the hands of one developer.
If you can share with me how many users you are likely to need I can send you a precise estimate of the license costs and a rough estimate of the costs involved in doing configuration/training etc
Kind Regards,
Ian Brown, Managing Director
BlackApple Limited

FileMaker vs. Access - Round I

Q. What are you guys hearing, seeing, or more importantly experiencing in FileMaker, which is way beyond the reach of Access?

If you can't see how FileMaker is so much more powerful than Access, then perhaps Access is the right tool for you. Posted by Jonathan Fletcher, 12/03/2010

Microsoft Access is not a bad product...but if you don't like FM...I don't see Access making you happy.  Posted by Joshua Ormond, 12/03/2010

1. A few FM scripts. I can do just about anything in FM that I can do in Access. They both work differently, but to the looks the same.
2. Not sure what you mean here. I have relationships that are 5, 6, 7 deep and and pull data from any of those tables. You need to understand what is going on with the relationships...but that is no different than access.
3. I guess it depends on what you are talking about. Anything that I have ever need to do, has been fairly simple in FileMaker. How you actually accomplish the task is probably different...but again, will the user really notice/
VBA Programming definitely can be powerful...but at the same time you have know all the syntax. It's like having 10,000 wrenches in a toolbox, all different sizes. FileMaker may have "less" scripts...but they function much like an adjustable wrench. One script step can be used in so many different ways.
If you are used to Access, and have limited experience with FM...then you probably prefer the one you are used too. Nothing wrong with that. But that doesn't mean the other product isn't as powerful.
Posted by Joshua Ormond, 12/03/2010

You should also read the FileMaker vs. Access white paper on the FMI website. Unless your client base is 100% Windows or all web based you'll appreciate the flexibility of FileMaker over Access.
Posted by David Zakary, 12/03/2010

I would put FileMaker’s strength this way, independent of any overly technical niggling stuff (which I get bored with, since I’m mired in overly technical niggling stuff all day):
Very fast turnaround from feature definition to feature completion, and correspondingly fast turnaround from project definition/requirements gathering to completion. FileMaker is the very definition of RAD. This translates into cheaper software for clients.
I can say this objectively because our firm does projects in FileMaker, Access, .NET, and a host of other technologies - we’re platform agnostic. While FileMaker isn’t always the right fit for every usage, we end up using FileMaker for about 75% of our projects simply because we can deliver the same value at a more competitive price. Period.
Posted by Colin Keefe, 12/03/2010

Monday, April 25, 2016

====== Setting up Calculation or Value Lists ======

See the following links:
Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker: How to use the same Value List for two Fields?
In essence, the questions is if the data entered using the Value list in one Field changes anything in the other Field? 
לכאורה this will not happen.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how and why should I use this: “Show Values Only From Second Field” (See: ) [cdxviii]

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker why a Value List shows in the Inspector, when the Member of Value List Drop Down List in the Options for Field Combox (in the Manage Database Combox) it states: “”? (Try to See: ) [cdxix]
See: [cdxix] =Value+List+%E2%80%8EInspector%E2%80%8E+Options+%E2%80%8Efilemaker&aqs=chrome.0.69i57.19693j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=%22Value+List%22+%22Inspector%E2%80%8E%22+%22Options%22+%22filemaker%22+-dynamic+%22Manage+Database%22&safe=active

Menasche Scharf
How to Find a group of Records between two values / numbers: low and high – when the Field contains an alpha-numeric Code/ID?
Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker to allow select entire cell contents for the values in the Inspector->Position->Left/Top/Right/Bottom/Width&Height
Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to set up the Drop Down List to display in a smaller font size (so that more values are shown in the Drop Down List), whilst the data in Field (i.e. one selection out of the Drop Down List) is shown in regular size font (i.e. like all other Fields)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Automated TxT & eMail - Part IV

Automated TxT and eMail - Part IV

===== Send TxT or eMail messages to prospective engineers: =====
* "Hi Sir, do U do NICEIC PIR in Brighton and how much does it cost?
We can deposit cleared funds before the job starts. Menash in London"

* "Hi Sir, We work on behalf of our customers who manage properties in your area.
We are looking for Gas engineers who are ready to work with us.
Do U do GCHB (=Gas Central Heating Boiler) fault finding and repairs in Putney?
How much does it cost?
Job Address: Flat 4 155 Fawte Pant Row S15 2BG
Description of problem: When Heating it is turned on there is no heat from the radiators or reaction from the boiler.
The hot water is working perfectly. 
Due to the weather circumstances, we would need to have someone over to check the boiler as soon as possible.
Timewise, the best times would be before 9am or after 6.30pm. 
Once we agree on prices etc. I will forward you the details of the tenant. 
We can deposit cleared funds before the job starts. 
Menash in North London, 08456 980 044,"

* "We work on behalf of landlords and now have a requirement for residential Fire Risk Assessment. Is this something you would do?"

Date: 13/10/2009
RFC #: 190
Can you apply the same rule to Company Staff as to Tenants: whenever there is a company and it has Company Staff, the Company Staff should automatically have No Credit and the Field should be hidden.

Date: 13/10/2009
RFC #: 186
Can you build into the Address Field Script that when I paste the word "Rd", it replaces the text with "Road"?

FileMaker related Schmooze Part II

FileMaker related Schmooze Part II - FileMaker Custom Apps
Integration of web services into a FileMaker solution
Total Cost of Ownership White Paper
Global variables
iCal Server for FileMaker!topic/filemaker-design-standards/JvAQF01AeCs
A MySql based wiki and cms tool with a FileMaker database which pulls information via ESS to synchronize and update new records
Installing FileMaker Server

Inventory Based Manufacturing Systems

Data Integrity and Transactions:
Beginners FileMaker Pro 12 Training - A Practical Guide
testing and implementing code in FileMaker

Find Data in a Field that gets the Data from Two Fields in Two Separate Tables and it shouldn’t take soooo long:

* Hide Home Page with all Songs - even when I want access to the iTunes Store

====== What is a Database? Part VI ======

====== What is a Database? Part VI ======

Assign actions to employees through logins
*Emergency slots in between regular callouts
*Postcode Lookup : See Page ?
*Template Letter for Customers who are over their credit limited

===== Capabilities =====
*Reporting: Scheduled (triggered by Date/Time), User Definable (Wizards),
*Any Letter or document to be generated from within the system
*Accessible from Web, Mobile
*Have stages in GUI - beginner only have limited access, medium user gradually has more features opened up
*Multi-location for branch based operations to be access individually

Convert VIsual Basic Code to FileMaker Pro v10.00 Scripts:
See [ HERE]

= Troubleshooting =
*When you enter edit or find mode there is no way provided by the interface, to enter browse mode (to go to the next record) without pressing the Submit or the Home links.
A button should be add to each file with the script Enter Browse Mode
*You can't edit in Table View as soon as you select a field it goes into form view.
*You can't adjust the width of the columns to fit the text in fields.
*The Big Button to enter find mode which is placed in each file doesn't work. 
*The 'Landlord' field-list in the 'Property Details' file, extends only as far as the letter 'G' *Another reason why we need separate field for each and every element of an address is for mail merge - you don't know yet about this bit I want every letter that MDH sends out to tenants to gor from FileMaker so that we have a record when it was printed

====== What is a Database? Part IV ======

====== What is a Database? Part IV ======

== Notes for the User: ==
To make a search in FileMaker on the Web click the Search Link on the top, enter search criteria and click the Start Search Link on the top.
You can lookup records or make a search, but you can't delete, add or edit records.
When you make a search in Properties Details, the tab might switch to Jobs.
Certain buttons is currently inactive.
To move to a different record click the Next Link on the top.
To choose a different Database click Home on the top.

= Suggestions =

===== Subject: FileMaker on the Web =====
I'll need a list of all IP address of computers that need access to the databases on the web + the IP of the host computer. Ideally the host should be the fastest computer available. Once you have all of them, please store them in an Excel file - I'll show you were to save it to

===== Security =====
We need to make sure that the system is secure on Local, LAN, Web and Physical levels. Create a access permission structure, for Labndlords to be able to see all their properties, tenants to be able to see their property etc…

===== Features =====
 *Easy Navigation
 *Progressive invoicing
 *Customer History
 *Price Levels
 *Sales Order Deposit 
*Discount tracking for retroactive / progressive discount break points
 *Mailing: Snail Mail / eMail 

====== Redirect eMails ======
 Redirect all eMails arriving from eShop into
 *CORGI to david.h
 *NICEIC to merlin.n
 *EPC to epc
 *POM to pom*

====== What is a Database? Part II ======

====== What is a Database? Part II ======

==== 6. Setting Up a Database System ====
Scheduling of Daily Works Orders

(i) Planning and Resourcing for Computerising the business's work procedures.

(ii) Designing Input Systems and Screens. It is important to decide exactly what data needs to be stored in the database records. It is important to bear in mind that the more data stored; the more must be gathered, inputted and maintained - there are real costs attached. Input screens should show information in a logical and readable fashion, and the layout should match any forms used for data collection.

(iii) Data Entry and Retrieval. Accurate and consistent data input is vital. It is important to standardise the coding and notify data entry staff in advance. It is usually possible to set the system to reject entries which do not match valid code lists. Standards for data entry should be drawn up before data entry staff start to input information, eg decide how the system will handle business names; the standard solution is to record a firm's name as it appears on their letterhead. It is advisable to have consistent rules on spacing between letters and words (otherwise W H Smith could be W. H. Smith, WH Smith or W.H.Smith) - they mean the same to a person but to a computer they are very different. If a database was searched for an exact match, the entry may be missed if the data entry person was inconsistent (though some databases offer an option to search for the closest matching entry which should find the record). Databases are good at finding an entry from a large amount of data when the user only has a clue to start with, eg they know that a contact is called either Hargreaves or Hargrove, but cannot name the company - the user could get the computer to search for surnames containing 'Hargr', then check the entries it offers.

===== Data Mining =====
 Data mining is a term which refers to the examination of data to discover patterns or associations caused by the collection of such historic data, eg a manager may discover that one particular customer always purchases a product at the last possible moment. They may therefore use this accidental information to offer this customer a faster delivery service at an extra charge.  The accounts system will store a history of purchases by customers; data mining will uncover many interesting patterns.
(ii) IT analysis and implementation is a popular placement project area for students and unemployed graduates or managers in small businesses to carry out projects. Local universities, Learning and Skills Councils should be able to give further details of schemes in the local area. = FileMaker on The Web = Our FileMaker databases are now available on the web, just type in the browser the following numbers (including the dot's): and the databases will show up.
FileMaker on the web is still in it's early stages of development. Please put any suggestions or troubleshooting's on this page (below the line) to facilitate in improving and developing it.  Many Thanks, Amram.

What is a Database? Part I

== Contents ==

====== What is a Database? Part I ======

====== Further Information ======
When you duplicate an object, it offsets 6 pixels to the right and 6 pixels down, unless you've changed the ruler settings from the default. However, the duplicate feature works differently if you move the duplicated object with the arrow keys or the mouse. As long as you don't deselect the duplicated object while moving it, a second duplicate will be offset the same number of pixels as the first duplicate from the original. This is useful when you're creating multiple objects offset exactly the same distance and can be much more efficient than applying arrangement options after you've duplicated the objects. 

==== 1. Introduction ==== 
The database should encompass all functions that make a business tick:
*Administrative tasks,
*Word processing,
*Keep a record of existing and potential customers,
*Enabling orders to be processed
*Direct mail promotions to be carried out.
*Order or enquiry form,
*Mailing lists categorised according to a variety of criteria, eg location, past customer, potential customer
*Store large quantities of information for reference purposes.

==== 3. Database Applications ====

==== 4. What Does our Business Need from a Database?====
BIF 189 A Guide to Computer Networks gives more detailed information on running shared databases. See also: [] Feature list of what we might need in our FileMaker system, see also other iterations for more features.

==== 5. Choice of Database Software ====
The hard choice is how to decide between off-the-shelf, adaptable packages which link to other software systems could be considered (see BIF 141 Software for General Business Applications). Software for payroll, stock control, planning and scheduling is just a small example of what modules are required.  Relational database systems, can use multiple tables to store information, and each table may have a different record format. A relational database is easy to extend - a new data category can be added without having to modify all existing applications.

FileMaker related Schmooze Part I

FileMaker related Schmooze Part I
Bug reports

===== Request for Change - Feature Wish List =====
Copy / Place here all the relevant records from FileMaker that fit the Label: RFC = Requests to add a Feature to FileMaker
Place here the ideas, suggestions and requirements that we want to implement in the first major overhaul of our Management System (as opposed to Phase One, where we only do minor improvements to our existing FileMaker Dashboard system)

====== Interface ======
 Date: 23/09/2009
I now realise that FileMaker isn't capable of doing all that I wanted.
Please let me know what items in this spreadsheet are beyond its limit and we'll keep it for Phase 2: SQL or Servoy

===== iTunes =====
FileMaker related questions:
What is a breadcrumb in FileMaker parlance?
What is a foreign key (and a foreign key field) in FileMaker parlance?
What is a List() function in FileMaker parlance?
What is a portal key value in FileMaker parlance?
What is a Recursive calculation in FileMaker parlance?

If I could only choose five features to have FMI work on, the following would by far be the most important feature requests:
  1. Comprehensive Solution Profiling
  2. Solution Updating
  3. Native Parameter Passing
  4. Ability to turn off Script Triggers
  5. Built-in Data Auditing
Look up:
Script Profiling
Layout Profiling
Import field mapping


Arranging an appointment II

===== Arranging an appointment II =====

===== Printing =====
Then print it out and write "printed" next to the last cell of each property. Before printing a new list of CORGI's to be carried out, check if there are Tenant contact details already. If not, or if the Landlord’s details appear instead of the tenant’s, replace the Landlord details with Tenants' name and Telephone Number/s.

===== Sending a letter to a Tenant =====
If you cannot find a tenants phone number - the housing association does not have it, then you have to send out a letter to the tenant.
1. For a booked inspection, go to All_users_documents->Pacedream Limited->Sarah Abraham->Shortcut to three star files->Three Star letters->Three Star Unreachable tenants->Booked Inspections.
2. Then using an existing template just change the address, date of letter and date of inspection.
3. For an inspection that needs arranging, do the same thing – All_users_documents->Pacedream Limited->Sarah Abraham->Shortcut to three star files->Three Star letters->Three Star Unreachable tenants->Need arranging.
4. File it in the confirmed CORGI file.
5. After this if tenant still does not reply then we must send a second letter – after this we have done our job and it is up to the landlord to see to it.
6. To locate this letter, follow instructions above- it is in The Three Star Unreachable Tenants, 2nd urgent letter -for those that didn’t reply to first letter.
7. File it in the confirmed CORGI file.
8. Save all letters with the full address (with postcode) and date that you write the letter for example 7 Botha Road 02/08/05

===== Check List =====
 Do ask Tenant to confirm whether they could be in at a certain time, after consulting with MDH as to when we plan to send an engineer to a given Postcode area.
Ask tenant when would be best for them to remain at home and we will try and work around their schedule, meaning: when we aggregate all CORGI’s in their postcode / area.
Do make sure you call the correct Landlord for the right Property
Do make sure that there is working Gas and Electricity services in the property
If the property is not on FileMaker Pro - do put it on.
When you finish with an order - for example if a customer sends a fax to request a POM addition - please leave your fingerprints on the sheet - i.e. your initials or full name with a date and invoice number relating to the order. Better still, use the Date Stamp – make sure the wheels are adjusted to show today’s date.
Please use your brains before using the computer. Check your own lists before calling a Landlord to see if you have already printed a job, and then check the system (QB and FileMaker) for the correct date when the job was done. P.S. When printing out jobs from FileMaker, do it landscape so that it fits all on one page – File -> Page Setup -> Landscape. P.P.S. After a job is done, cross it out from the printed sheet in the confirmed CORGI file so that we know what still has to be done.
You can also check to see if it is in the Memorised Transaction List (a reminder list of QuickBooks) and you can delete it – Ctrl D.

You first have to switch to single user mode – File, Switch to Single User Mode. P.P.P.S. To go down to the last record in a excel document, you have to be on a record and then press Ctrl-End; to select down press Ctrl-Shift-Down-arrow

Arranging an appointment I

===== Arranging an appointment =====

====== 3-Star Contracts ======
If you would like to arrange for an engineer from British Gas visit then under the 3-Star Contract, you could e-mail British gas (e-mail address below) with your full address, contact telephone number and details of the visit request. E-mail address:

====== Non-3-Star CORGI’s ======
Go to FileMaker: Start, FileMaker Pro, Hosts, Dashboard, then go to Properties Tab, then click on the Find icon and in the green box in the middle of the record, type in the name of the property you are printing a job for and press Enter Phone up all the landlords about the corgis and ask for their go ahead and the new telephone numbers of tenants if they have changed from the last year once you ve got the numbers on separate column print out the landlords, addresses and dates and write next to the property on another column printed so that you can distinguish next time which one is printed and which one is not.
To find a Tenant’s contact number, click on the Tenant Tab and press GO.
It will give you the details of the tenant in the Tenant box - if no telephone number, find out from Tenant Spreadsheet or landlord (by pressing the Landlord Tab in FileMaker, which should bring up the details of the Landlord, but if it is a managing agent then you will see their name in the Tenant Tab, copy it and using the Dashboard, open the Landlord COntact File/Layout/Table and paste the Managing Agent's details in a new Record), and fill in as appropriate.
Then go to the Job Tab (on the bottom) not the top one and where it says Job Type, click and scroll down to CORGI and it will automatically fill in the date etc. Then on the right hand corner click on GO! And it will take you to the Job Sheet.
If there is additional information needed e.g. call tenant on mobile before coming etc. then right click on job details and type it in. To print the record, on the top right hand corner there is a Print Record box - click on it and it will print.
If you can’t find the Tenant’s details, ‘phone up all the landlords about the CORGI’s and ask for their go ahead and the new telephone numbers of tenants – if they have changed from the last year.

Once you’ve got the Names and Numbers on separate columns, print out the landlords, addresses and dates and write next to the property on another column “printed” so that you can distinguish next time which one is printed and which one is not.
Do use FileMaker Pro to look up above details – if it is not in FileMaker -> Do call ALL possible contacts (Landlords, Housing Associations, Managing Agents etc.) to request above details and update FileMaker Pro.
Then either eMail each and every Landlord with a list or print it out in a reminder letter and then write “printed” next to the last cell of each property.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Associated Records Issues IV

Date: 14/10/2009
RFC #: 196
Is it possible to combine two Property Records into one? 
See Records: 32955 and 34734

Job Orders in the Pipeline V

RFC #: 215
Where can I put the Customer's job ref: 1712?
Example: See Cloakware's order for TFF 16 Blockhholme Road LONDON SW1 8PA

RFC #: 169
Can you please arrange all jobs handed out to an engineer in his Contact Record?

RFC #: 207
You should see how Newsheet uses the web for acepting orders, which looks quite the way I wanted (but not sophisticated enough)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Associated Records Issues III

Associated Records Issues III
Date: 20/08/2009 This note deals with the "Company/Staff" Tab in the "Contacts Layout":
We are dealing with “Companies” and with “People” – not just with “Company / Staff” as this would exclude Tenants or Engineers (Electricians, Gas, Builders etc.) for example.
Whilst on the subject, maybe there should indeed be a (Optional) Tag next to each Record, so that users will know what is the connection of every Associated Record with the currently browsed Contact.
Basically, you split "Company / Staff" from Associated Company merely on the basis that the "Company / Staff" Tab will be dedicated to people being associated with a Record through being employed there.
It follows that there should be a separate Tab for each Type of Association: "Landlord / Tenant", "Engineer / Us" and "Family Members"

Date: 20/08/2009
Maybe you should rename the Tabs “Associated Company” and “Company – Staff”, to “Company” and “People” respectively.
There are two reasons for this:
The word “Associated” is purely for your own needs, as the whole purpose of this Tab is to Associate Records.
Once the development phase is finished, every user will be trained in to know that the Tabs below the Contact Form deals with Associations of Records

Date: 24/09/2009
How is it possible that a property is listed under the Order Tab and not under the Properties Tab?
See Flat 6 Supton Court Podwall House Estate, Upper Clacton Road LONDON SE5 8JX

Date: 21/09/2009
We need to make sure that employees are only employed by one company.
Motty Feldman is employed by Palmline (for Foundation Road) and by Dacelinx (for Daycell Road).
When I want to place an order for Daycell Road, it shows me the company name Palmline instead of Daycell Road.

It's not the end of the world for me but someone else who doesn't know might invoice the wrong company and then we look like lemmings!

Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker (or anyone else) how to turn a flat file database (as in an Excel Spreadsheet or the current Formulations Table) into a Relational Database See:

Monday, April 11, 2016

Find, Search IV

There are contacts that I remember having entered contact details in the old FileMaker, but I cannot find them now in the new File. 
Any idea how this happened?
Example: ProTx (it is even possible that I didn't enter their details after all, but please check it out).

Ghost Contacts...
Q. Record ID 39441 (Weyburn Y.) doesn't come up on the "Ordered By Contact" Drop Down Menu - why?
A. I've just tried it and it did come up. (by the way it's 29441)

I pressed >> on a record showing Company / Staff details that were empty, above a populated Record.
A message appeared that the Search Term doesn't exist. Why?

Find Records
* To find records that match text in a current record, right click (or Ctrl-click on a Mac) and choose "Find Matching Records".
* To sort your current records by a given field, right click as well to see Ascending and Descending options.
FileMaker supports "easy find" date entry. If you enter "2005" in Find mode into a date field, FileMaker will return all records within the year 2005. If you enter "12", it will return all those dates found in December. "1/11" will find all the records with the 11th of January, regardless of year.
This Advisor Tip was originally published in Issue #1 of ADVISOR BASICS for FileMaker Pro.
You can get more how-to advice on FileMaker Pro at
Smart Duplication in FileMaker Pro Learn how to efficiently duplicate objects.
By John Mark Osborne, Database Pros president and owner, FileMaker Advisor technical editor

Date: 12/10/2009
RFC 181
We need to find the nearest electrician to a postcode by using GoogleMaps.
Can we discuss?

Date: 22/10/2009
RFC: 206

When using the Find Address Window, if there is only 1 Record found, please can it close the Window as the objective has been achieved?

Restore Window

Ask FileMaker – How do I resize (shrink or expand) a single Window, without all the other open Windows also Shrinking or Expanding?

Friday, April 8, 2016

Job Diary

Date: 29/09/2009
RFC  #: 177
Your clever trick needs a bit of refinement:
The warning "Enter date and time for:" when leaving a Record in the Job Diary.
Is it possible to limit the function to the Date only?
This is because the time is not as important at the moment.

Date: 08/09/2009
In the New Order - Step 2 of 6 WIndow, the Drop-down Menu should only show companies that are qualified for the job on order.  For example if I select NICEIC as the Product, only NICEIC engineers should show in the list.

Date: 17/09/2009
When I enter Tenant in the Name, Type Fields can you make the Address Type Field to display Job Address Automatically?
Date: 17/09/2009
Is it possible to program the Time Field in the Job Diary so that when I type in a number it converts it to a Time? Example: 901 = 9:01, 145236 = 14:52:36.
Date: 18/09/2009
How can I paste a address and contact details from within the Job Diary without the spaces?

Date: 18/09/2009
The Right-Click Menu Selection "Copy" in the Products Ordered Layout in the Job Address Tab in the Tenant Contact Telephone Number Field doesn't work; the Clipboard pastes data from a previous Copy command

Date: 18/09/2009
How can I go to a Tenant's Record in the Contacts Layout from within the Jobs Ordered Layout?

Date: 21/09/2009
How can I hive off some Entries in the Job Diary? They have grown up to become a job onto their own.

Date: 21/10/2009
RFC  #: 200
I tried adding a note today, 6:30AM on 22/10/2009, the date shown is 21/10/2009 - why?
Maybe because in Google America the Server is set to Central America Time?

Date: 08/09/2009
RFC  #: 2010
Scenario: We had a request from a Landlord to do an NICEIC. 
The Managing Agent says it's only due in three years. 

How can I record this information in the Diary - so that I can show it to the landlord in six month's time, if he complains - without creating a new Order?

Invoice Payment

Date: 18/11/2009
When the Method of Payment is Cash, the Reference Filed should be skipped

Date: 24/09/2009
Credit Control Portal for chasing payment on finsihed orders

Date: 25/09/2009
RFC: 172
Commission - is it a Service, a Other Charge or Payment? QB

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Keep Concurrecnt Records Open Simultaneously

Date: 24/04/2009
We need to have the option of having more than one record open at one time. 
Example: if I'm dealing with a job at the property address 7 Glasermove, in the mean time a call comes in about a job in 16 Hambler Court, the previous Job should stay open and this way I can return to it when I finished the enquiry for the new call about Hambler


Date: 03/09/2009
Is it possible to have 'scratchpad' next to each incoming eMail message, so that Users can add their comments for all to see (or hidden)