Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Monday, April 11, 2016

Find, Search IV

There are contacts that I remember having entered contact details in the old FileMaker, but I cannot find them now in the new File. 
Any idea how this happened?
Example: ProTx (it is even possible that I didn't enter their details after all, but please check it out).

Ghost Contacts...
Q. Record ID 39441 (Weyburn Y.) doesn't come up on the "Ordered By Contact" Drop Down Menu - why?
A. I've just tried it and it did come up. (by the way it's 29441)

I pressed >> on a record showing Company / Staff details that were empty, above a populated Record.
A message appeared that the Search Term doesn't exist. Why?

Find Records
* To find records that match text in a current record, right click (or Ctrl-click on a Mac) and choose "Find Matching Records".
* To sort your current records by a given field, right click as well to see Ascending and Descending options.
FileMaker supports "easy find" date entry. If you enter "2005" in Find mode into a date field, FileMaker will return all records within the year 2005. If you enter "12", it will return all those dates found in December. "1/11" will find all the records with the 11th of January, regardless of year.
This Advisor Tip was originally published in Issue #1 of ADVISOR BASICS for FileMaker Pro.
You can get more how-to advice on FileMaker Pro at
Smart Duplication in FileMaker Pro Learn how to efficiently duplicate objects.
By John Mark Osborne, Database Pros president and owner, FileMaker Advisor technical editor

Date: 12/10/2009
RFC 181
We need to find the nearest electrician to a postcode by using GoogleMaps.
Can we discuss?

Date: 22/10/2009
RFC: 206

When using the Find Address Window, if there is only 1 Record found, please can it close the Window as the objective has been achieved?

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