Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Making of a Solution - Part II

Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 19:02:06 +0100
Subject: RE: Daptiv (eProject) in the UK

a) You are so right!  I have been in touch with one database wizard, who we want to work with, however he is expensive and limited in time.  He suggested that we look at existing packages on the market that may fit our basic needs and then work it out with the vendor to add all the bells and whistles.  He is totally right – as well!

b) As to the project itself, we’ve been toying with the idea since we started the company 5 years ago, when I designed a database in AppleWorks on my iBook.  We then moved to FileMaker and we now have a 4 user networked FileMaker – we need a 7 user system and soon it will be 10 – as an intranet. However we’re looking for the facility to allow our customers (1000 at this point in time) to access our extranet, which will reduce our cost by routing all (or most) after-sales enquiries online.

c) As our customers are small to medium businesses, they keep begging me to design our existing system for them as well, being that they are constantly amazed from the fact that we always: 1. Have their details at our fingertips, 2. Data is current and 3. Available to most of our users.
This made me think about sub-licensing parts or the whole of the system that we are going to design – to all these customers.  The business model could be a Per-Click, Per-Seat or any other revenue generating model.  But this is for the future – we need something for us, now!

d) I am looking for a matrix where I can compare the application range we can choose from.  For example there are matrixes for Mobile and Wiki’s; see url’s below:
WikiMatrix   -   -

e) So, before going into any further work I would like to stop here and hear from you:

1. What price tag we’re talking about in terms of your contribution to this project, excluding licensing, development, implementation and training

2. Which “idea exchange platform” we’re going to use when discussing to and fro on how to formulate the project blueprint,

3. A rough timescale (or project timeline) and manpower requirements
Sorry for boring you, however it’s critical that we, as customers – explain to you, as technical - person the practical benefits that we need to achieve from the new system, whilst we expect you to work with us to make the best use of today’s available technologies.

Looking forward, Menasche

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