Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Monday, August 15, 2016

Why FileMaker IV

Menasche Scharf
Why FileMaker



FileMaker Pro uses one file, containing all the components required to manage data:
  1. Data (aka information)
  2. Scripts (aka Macros)
  3. Layouts (Forms)

Conversely Lotus Approach — relational database management system has a host of files that make up the database:
  1. APR data entry and reports
  2. APX data view - the following information is stored in the .apx file:
  3. Auto increment number (serial number)
  4. OEM or ANSI setting.
  5. DBF data file (dBASE IV).
  6. ADX: The .adx file is used by Approach for Windows to store the following information:
  7. Auto increment number (serial number)
  8. Index information
  9. Field names not conforming to the back-end standard
  10. OEM or ANSI setting
  11. The language setting in the International control panel for the user that initially opened up the file
  12. BAK backup
  13. DSN for ODBC
  14. SQL

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Layout Parts and other Issues - Part I

Minimum Height of Body Part 
Ask FileMaker: What is the Minimum Height of the Body Part in a Layout?


Menasche Scharf
Question: One way FileMaker is different than MS Word where the Header and Footer remain unchanged, whilst in FileMaker every Layout needs to be changed separately.  This means that I need to manually go through every Layout to apply the same change repetitively.
Answer: maybe this is what it means a "THEME" or "TEMPLATE" or "MASTER PAGE"?  Lack of knowledge on the part of a developer doesn't warrant an attack on FileMaker!

Menasche Scharf
Question: how to customise Tab behaviour, like one can change the behaviour of Layouts, Portals and Parts? 
Answer: Start with the “Go To Object” Script (See: FileMaker Help for more options [cdvi]).


Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to arrange the Tab Order for the Find Layout to be separate than the Browse Layout.

Menasche Scharf
How do you set a Script/Condition to Show/Hide the Header/Footer in a Layout?
Answer: You need "Kiosk Mode" in FileMaker Pro Advanced.

Menasche Scharf
I followed all the instructions to a t and although the Merge Variable shows fine in Layout Mode, nothing shows in Preview Mode. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Create Reports - Part I

Create Reports - Part I

Report generation should be easy to generate: “Where can I see a list/report of an Engineer's jobs?”

The Start Date and End Date Fields in the Report Criteria should allow the User to whittle down the Report to a specific period

When looking for an engineer/operative in a certain area, Postcodes to help with filtering the lists of candidates

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker why the following didn’t work: Created a new Merge Variable “$$TotalPages” as part of a Script "Total Page Count", to display the total number of pages in a Report/Certificate, when it will be Previewed or Printed out, so that it shows “Page # of ##” – Syntax: Page {{PageNumber}} of <<$pp>>.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker: page numbering How to set Dynamic Page Numbers – “Page x of xx”?


Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker - The New Layout/Report Dialogue box in FileMaker Pro 13 shows three options: Computer, Touch device, Printer. 
Why does the Printer option not have a default Layout for a plain A4 (Letter) Layout?
The Layout/Report assistant is used to give you several pre-set options for how you want the layout you create to appear to the user.
The options under "Printer" are meant for layouts that are primarily intended to be printed: envelopes, mailing labels, etc.
If you want a "plain" layout, choose the "Computer" option.
Those layouts can still be printed; just arrange the fields and other objects on the layout in the way you want them to print. 
In any case, the size of the page is not set from the Layout/Report assistant.
It's set in the Page Setup dialog, accessible from the File menu.

=== Some of the report ideas in the blog (search “report”) were copied from the feature list - not all are relevant ===

===== BizBasics Part IV =====

=== Copied feature list from: - not all are relevant ===

 * Creates Purchase Orders
 * "AutoP.O." pick lists automates automatic creation of P.O.s from sales LineItems
 * Tracks and displays "real time" inventory
 * Running balances for each vendor
 * Allows for special discounts and Xtra charges
 * Taxable and non-taxable P.O.'s
 * Tracks short shipments and overages
 * Tracks incoming serial numbers (unlimited) at the LineItem level
 * Creates Debit Memos
 * Debit Memos and payments may be applied across multiple P.O.s (or "OnAccount")
 * Voucher system lets you easily "age" your Payables and Bills
BIZ BASICS REPORTS (over 135 reports)
 * Over 30 contact management reports (see BIZ Contactz list on this WEB site)
 * Comprehensive sales reports, Daily Overview
 * "Items sold/bought" by (month, quarter, salesperson)
 * Order Acknowledgements
 * Three styles of invoices; packing slips
 * Document center, letter library, faxes, memos, etc.
 * Prints commissions and sales reports by number, item, dates and salesperson
 * Item lists, Price lists, catalogs for products and services (retail and wholesale)
 * Credit Card: Acknowledgment, Receipts, Analysis
 * Inventory Reports: Back-order, Re-Order, Value
 * Forward Build Component Lists
 * Sales: Accounts Receivable, Statements
 * Aging Schedules and Sales Histories
 * Analysis Reports (Sales Tax, Credit Card)
 * Profit Analysis, Sales by Source
 * Work Orders (w/categories, i.e. Size and Color)
 * Orders, Quotes, Estimates and Invoices
 * Return Authorizations, Credit Memos
 * Activity Logs, Follow up reports
 * Purchasing: P.O.s, Accounts Payable, Items Bought
 * Purchase and Vendor Histories, Aging
 * Checking: checks, deposit slips, Transactions
 * Shipperz reports and Bill of Lading
 * FedEx and Airborne airbills, C.O.D. tags, Zone chart
 * Airbills, mail and shipping labels, #10 Envelopes
 * Project Analysis (by Materials, Expense, or Labor)
 * Project Time cards, breakdown of customer charges
 * Payroll reports (Employer, Employee, Check stub, W-2)
=== Copied feature list from: - not all are relevant ===

===== BizBasics Part II =====

====== INVENTORY FEATURES (included with "Starter Kit") ======
 * Inventory auto-updates for each line item entered
 * Tracks Cost per unit, unit auto-calc
 * Multiple Vendors per item or unit
 * Multi-level pricing based on Qty ordered (unlimited)
 * Multi-level costing based on Unit Qty purchased (unlimited)
 * Supports retail and wholesale prices and levels
 * Helpful product lists and catalogs
 * Creates component lists (preset: up to 50 items)
 * Component level inventory allocations via "Forward Builds"
 * Barcode calc lets you set up your own barcode fonts
 * Lot Number and Serial Number tracking (in and out) - unlimited serial numbers per line-item may be accurately tracked
 * History of sales and purchases per item
 * You may purchase BIZ as a bundle (the bundle offers the most software for the buck - see bundle price further down this page) or you can purchase some modules individually and use them for your own personal in-house add-ons. Below is a breakdown and prices of the various modules included in our Super Bundle.

 * Integrates with BIZ or any OTHER FILEMAKER SYSTEM
 * Automatic lookup of UPS Zone, FedEx Regions and US Mail zone
 * City, State and Country lookups based on the zip code entered
 * Auto-calculates shipping costs based on zip code and weight
 * Drop ship to anyone in the system
 * Manages
 * UPS, FedEx, Airborne and U.S. Mail
 * Rates selected from over 15,000 shipping rates for above carriers
 * Bill of Lading lets you track special trucking shipments
 * Automated UPS Shipping Record print outs
 * UPS domestic options supported, 8,000 new UPS rates as of 2/8/99
 * Allows EZ-entry of your local UPS and Mail zone charts
 * Prints UPS Pickup Shipping Record
 * Prints FedEx and Airborne airbills from your forms (w/dot matrix printer)
 * Support for new FedEx "Regions" and new domestic services (added 7/1/97)
 * Add options as airbills are entered
 * All-in-one invoice/packing slip simplifies shipment
 * UPS Dimensional Weight may be calculated
 * Includes documentation for linking with other in-house files (option)
 * UPS Note: October 1999 online requirements not supported

=== Copied feature list from: - not all are relevant ===

===== BizBasics Part III =====

====== BIZ ACCOUNTING optional double-entry ADD-ON MODULE - $598) ======
 * Chart of Accounts (over 130 preset accounts; customizable)
 * Preset according to standard accounting practices
 * Run multiple companies on one Chart of Accounts
 * Double-entry accounting module (debits and credits)
 * General Journal, Account Ledger
 * FIFO or LIFO perpetual inventory
 * Payroll module, Pay Stubs, W-2, Employee and Employer reports
 * Employee Evaluations and Benefits in HR/Payroll file
 * Auto-posting of Journal and Ledger entries from other BIZ files
 * Basic reports: Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, Income Statement
 * Automated account setup of Beginning Balance
 * Budget file, MTD, YTD totals, Detail reports
 * Log and Print checks, check register, reconcile
 * Optional auto-create deposits from payments logged in Invoice file
 * Auto-creates checks to pay Purchase Orders, commissions
 * Checkbook file handles multiple checking accounts and unlimited expense "splits"
 * Special credit card holding account lets you track cc receivables
 * Automated transfer of funds between multiple bank accounts
 * Print checks, deposit slips, check register
 * Automated Period consolidation and "CloseOut" routines
 * Tracks each task for any given project or job
 * Tracks materials, expenses and labor costs/charges
 * Keeps track of employee/rep time cards per job
 * Tracks markups, deadlines, overhead and more...
 * Auto-create Invoices, P.O.s and payment checks from any project item

=== Copied feature list from: - not all are relevant ===
---- Reference: Voluntary Ex Ante Transparency (VEAT) notice - See:
=== Alternative Accounting Package: Absolute Accounting made with FileMaker ====== American based - not for the UK
=== Alternative Accounting Package: Genesis Accounting for FileMaker Pro ====== See their other FileMaker-based tools:
 * Genesis Business Metrics
 * Genesis Business Operating Environment
 * Genesis Transactions
=== Alternative Accounting Package: EasyAccounting ======

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Sorting Records - Part II

Sorting Records - Part II

Menasche Scharf
Q. How can I Automate a Sort Records Script, so that I can Sort Records as and when needed.
Example: if printing a report that needs the records in alphabetical order

Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker why the following is not explained in the FileMaker Pro 12 Help (F1): “Keep records in sorted order”, which appears in the Sort Records Dialogue Box.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to set up the Sort so that it allows one Default Item to always come out on top and the Sort should only arrange the rest of the list.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker what is the word [RESTORE] mean in Scripts like Sort Records?

Jul 22, 2011
Menasche Scharf
Discussion Thread, Customer By Web Form 05:31 AM PDT,
This feedback is about:
I'm looking for the "Sort Dates in Reverse Chronological Order" formula, to sort a Date Field so that the most recent Record is displayed on top of the Listing.  
From: FileMaker UK Customer Support, Subject: ID 4920 (Rated Helpfulness: It was not helpful).  [Case:110722-000055]

Friday, August 5, 2016

Opacity Slider


Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker to allow direct entry of Opacity Values (e.g. allow the Designer / Developer to neter numbers in a Field, to control the Opacity), which is more efficient (maybe this feature is available only in FileMaker Pro Advanced?).

The current setup is that you use a slider in the Inspector, Appearance Tab: Graphic->Line->"Choose a colour for the line or border..."->Opacity. You can see the Opacity Slider at the bottom of the Drop Down Colour Picker.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

FileMaker Related Links VI

Menasche Scharf

I have the same problem with a similar set-up: FMP12.0v4 and after reading this post - especially posts 7, 8 & 9 - it would appear that the problem is with FileMaker Pro trying to find a newly created Record/s in a Related Table that is a 'mirror' of the Original Table: I have a Contacts Table with a portal at the bottom to show related Records. 
These related Records come from a duplicated Table, using a self-join Relationship. 
After adding a new Record, I click on a Scripted Button with the following Script: "Go to Related Record", with the Options set to Result Options: "Show Only related records" and I ticked "Match all records in the current found set". 
This should now show me the newly created Record nicely arranged in the Portal, under the related Record in the main layout. 
However, when I hit the related Record in the Portal to see the new Record, this is when I get the dialogue with the message: "Find in progress... 
Processing query" query with a Cancel button (this last bit seems not to have been part of FileMaker Pro 9?) After reading this post I changed the "Show Only related records" to "Match Current Records only" (instead of "Match all records in the current found set"). 

Problem solved. 
However my questions is this: Does this mean that this newly added Record is only 'connected' to the Record that was showing in the main Layout?


Is it possible to "reserve" the first row for Creation of A New Record, instead of the last row within the portal setup environment? This is so that the users do not have to scroll down to the end to add new child records. This makes data entry quicker.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ask FileMaker: Tab Order

Menasche Scharf
Leave out Fields from Set Tab Order
Ask FileMaker why the Referenced Fields (Fields that show Data from another Source, i.e. a Table or File) have Tab Numbers on them (as in Set Tab Order – available in Layout Mode, under the Layouts->Set Tab Order… Menu Selection), shouldn’t they be treated’ like Buttons or Field Labels, as the User cannot enter any Data anyway and so it should be skipped when the User presses the Tab Key to move through the Layout? 
The same question is valid for any Field with an Auto-Entry (or type ahead or auto-complete) Setup, where the setting “Don’t allow User to override the Contents” (like in Calculated, Lookups, Formulae etc.) is Ticked.

Ask FileMaker if the can add an item to the Inspector that will allow the Designer to Move a group of Objects a couple of millimetres / pixels or Inches by entering a number in a Field.
This will minimise the guesswork when I want to move Objects just a fraction to improve the design of a Layout.

How do you Script the Drop Down Menu of a File that has a Repetition set, but it should only display the number of repetitions that are populated (i.e. the items that are blank should not be shown in the Drop Down Menu)?

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to setup Tab Orders, to have different display characteristics in Browse and different display characteristics in Find Modes. 

10/01/2014 For example: The Record Count that shows which Record you are in #Record# Of #Records# (in FileMaker Pro parlance: “{{RecordNumber}} of {{FoundCount}}”) should only show in Find Mode, when there is a small number Found Records. 

Data Import - Part V

===== Data Jobs =====
Hand over data management to the Data Manager. 
All duplicated records All emails that need to be imported into FileMaker

Menasche Scharf
Looking to solve a problem with imported data from an old FileMaker file (v.11.x, which in turn was converted from v.6): Some of the Checkbox Fields don't work; the imported data is there but is not showing a 'X' in the Checkbox.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker: REPAIR THE CHECKBOX PROBLEM/S?  The solution is to either set up the Value List in the Manage Database Dialogue Box or in the Inspector; ensure the Field is ‘connected’ to the Value List (See: S:\SHAREDK\CERTIFICATION\New_System\IN_HOUSE_ADMIN\Project_Coordination\Modules\Assets\Select many items in value list.jpg)

How to enter a tick mark using code

Menasche Scharf
Also, it would be nice to inform the User what would happen if the "Yes" or the "No" Button is clicked, instead of a dull error message.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker: how to deal with importing data, where some of the Fields are linked with another Table, which already has data in it.  Will it overwrite those Fields?

How to find overdue CORGI’s - Part II

Rules of the game: How to find overdue CORGI’s - Part II, Continued from Part I

===== Export to Excel =====
Delete all unnecessary columns - leaving only the Date, Address/ P.O. Number, Memo column and the Source Name.
Delete the Sheet2 & Sheet3 (to avoid having to do this, set up Excel so that it always creates new files with a single Sheet – see: Options->General and replace the “1” with a “3” in the field: “When creating a new Sheet”).
Widen the columns as necessary
Add the following Columns: “Printed”, “TenantName” and “TenantTel”
Save as follows “CORGI for MONTH_YEAR” (i.e. CORGI for November 2006)
Copy and Paste the FileName into the SheetName: Alt+F, “a”, Ctrl+X, Escape, Double-Click on “Sheet1” and Paste (Ctrl+V)
Now you will have to sort out the information, grouping together all the properties of the same landlord together so that you can get started
Then you have to fill in the column all the telephone numbers of landlords.
You do this by going to QuickBooks->Customers, find the name, double click on it, by Phone number, highlight it, Ctrl+C (=cut) and then go back to Excel and double click on cell and press the spacebar to make a space, then Ctrl+V (paste). Do this to all cells.
If you do not have the phone number, find it out and enter it into QuickBooks and into FileMaker. Sort and Filter by Landlord, then by Date
To do this you have to highlight everything: Press Ctrl+A (=Select All) TWICE
Select: Data Menu, press Alt+D, Sort, Sort by, ENTER, Alt+R, Data->Sort->Sort by->Name (Header of the Landlord column e.g. Column J) then in the next
To do this you have to highlight everything / Ctrl A, press on Data, Sort, Sort by, Name of header of the landlord column e.g. Column J and then press okay.
Then you have to fill in the column all the telephone numbers of landlords.
You do this by going to QuickBooks, Cust, find the name, double click on it, by Phone number , highlight it, Control C / cut and then go back to excel and double click on cell and make a space, then control v / paste.
Do this to all cells.
If you do not have the phone number, find it out and enter it into QuickBooks. Date format of cells should be third one down to make it right first date, month and then year.

===== Date Column =====
Ensure that the format of the date is UK-centric (first day, month and then year: DD/MM/YY):
1. Click on the first date in the Date Column, then Hold down the Shift key and press the DOWN Arrow once.
2. Alt-O->Enter->Tab->”d”->Tab-> Enter->Ctrl+S (=Select Format->Cells->Date format (you should select the third one down of the available selections in the list).

Date format of cells should be third one down to make it right: first date, month and then year.
Sort by DATE and then press okay.
In the date column make all the cells, date cells- Format cells, date.
Then change all the dates to be the same e.g. if some dates appear as 04 and some as 2004, change all dates to 2004.
This is done as follows: Ctrl F, Replace, Find /04 and Replace /2004.
Since they have changed all the 04 s to 2004 it is evident that the month April has been changed to 2004.
Therefore to correct this: Ctrl+F Replace, Find "2004/2004", Replace "04/2004".
Now you have all the dates in order.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Drag and drop from Excel into FileMaker


Menasche Scharf

Drag and drop from Excel into FileMaker

For answers, see the following FileMaker sponsored links:

Coloured Colored FileMaker Pro Modes

The four FileMaker Pro Modes (Browse, Find, Layout & Preview) are all listed under the "View Menu", but serve different needs. 
Whereas the User will notice a visible difference when in Layout or Preview Mode, this is not always the case when one switches between the Browse and Find Modes.
As a result, the User sometimes mistakes the Find Mode for the Browse Mode and ends up entering Data, thinking that it's being committed to file.
In reality, the moment the User chooses the Find Mode again (or presses Ctrl+F), the realisation realization sets in that all the Data entered will now have to be re-typed and worse: sometimes the original paper from where the Data was copied has already been shredded or disposed of.

The ideal solution would be to have these two near-identical Modes appear in different colour color, so that these two Modes are instantly recognised.

you can do this with conditional formatting (or hide object) on a text object:
that only show when in find mode, otherwise is hidden

I like to use this:
(hide object when = )  Get ( WindowMode ) ≠ 1 // hide all but Find mode
(and be sure to check "Apply in Find mode", in the Inspector)

now this reminder appears when in Find mode only!