Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Coloured Colored FileMaker Pro Modes

The four FileMaker Pro Modes (Browse, Find, Layout & Preview) are all listed under the "View Menu", but serve different needs. 
Whereas the User will notice a visible difference when in Layout or Preview Mode, this is not always the case when one switches between the Browse and Find Modes.
As a result, the User sometimes mistakes the Find Mode for the Browse Mode and ends up entering Data, thinking that it's being committed to file.
In reality, the moment the User chooses the Find Mode again (or presses Ctrl+F), the realisation realization sets in that all the Data entered will now have to be re-typed and worse: sometimes the original paper from where the Data was copied has already been shredded or disposed of.

The ideal solution would be to have these two near-identical Modes appear in different colour color, so that these two Modes are instantly recognised.

you can do this with conditional formatting (or hide object) on a text object:
that only show when in find mode, otherwise is hidden

I like to use this:
(hide object when = )  Get ( WindowMode ) ≠ 1 // hide all but Find mode
(and be sure to check "Apply in Find mode", in the Inspector)

now this reminder appears when in Find mode only!

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