Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ask FileMaker: Tab Order

Menasche Scharf
Leave out Fields from Set Tab Order
Ask FileMaker why the Referenced Fields (Fields that show Data from another Source, i.e. a Table or File) have Tab Numbers on them (as in Set Tab Order – available in Layout Mode, under the Layouts->Set Tab Order… Menu Selection), shouldn’t they be treated’ like Buttons or Field Labels, as the User cannot enter any Data anyway and so it should be skipped when the User presses the Tab Key to move through the Layout? 
The same question is valid for any Field with an Auto-Entry (or type ahead or auto-complete) Setup, where the setting “Don’t allow User to override the Contents” (like in Calculated, Lookups, Formulae etc.) is Ticked.

Ask FileMaker if the can add an item to the Inspector that will allow the Designer to Move a group of Objects a couple of millimetres / pixels or Inches by entering a number in a Field.
This will minimise the guesswork when I want to move Objects just a fraction to improve the design of a Layout.

How do you Script the Drop Down Menu of a File that has a Repetition set, but it should only display the number of repetitions that are populated (i.e. the items that are blank should not be shown in the Drop Down Menu)?

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker how to setup Tab Orders, to have different display characteristics in Browse and different display characteristics in Find Modes. 

10/01/2014 For example: The Record Count that shows which Record you are in #Record# Of #Records# (in FileMaker Pro parlance: “{{RecordNumber}} of {{FoundCount}}”) should only show in Find Mode, when there is a small number Found Records. 

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