Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Progression Route - Start small, Think BIG

====== Suggestion 2 ======
Start with FMaker, when you reach critical mass expand with Oracle or any other Industry strength RDMS: Cross Database Joins

If you have a mixed back-end server environment, Servoy allows you to join data seamlessly between these different backends (even if they are from different vendors).

Zero programming is required to show customer data from your Oracle database and join it with order data stored in a MS SQL Server system.

ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) Servoy supports SaaS out of the box, including multi-tenancy, as well as a  (Thin) Client from the same code base

To migrate from FileMaker Pro to servoy look [ HERE].

Servoy Plugins: servoy-qb-plugin - Google Code

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Collect Data from Submitted Forms from within FileMaker

Stephen Goodson, 9-10-2010:

I just figured it out. You can get the data from a submitted HTML form all within FileMaker.

All with a calculation.

And in fact, it’s actually easy if you use an external webpage (“google”) or a local one (index.htm) in your webviewer.

Here is the calc:
Let([$url = GetLayoutObjectAttribute ("WebViewer1"; "source") ;
$query = Right($url; Length($URL) - Position($URL; "?";1;1))]
;Substitute ($query;”&”;”¶”))

You only need to parse out the Field/Value data!

I also have it working based on a text field in the database which is an html form.

The Webviewer displays that form, and, with a little calculation magic, displays that submitted data using the calc above.

I’ll save that one for another time.

Brian Schick, 8-29-2007

Thanks, Geoff.

Your feedback solved the issue.

In case it’s of value to anyone else, here’s the simple function we’re using now in web viewers to point to files contained in container fields.

This is now working fine with files on both local and remote volumes:
Let ([
   _path = GetAsText ( [table]::[attachmentField]) ;
   _hasEntry = Length ( _path ) > 0 ;
   _path = "file:///Volumes/" & Substitute ( GetValue ( _path ; 2 ) ; "filemac:/" ; "" )
   ] ;

   If (_hasEntry ; _path )

Add to RFC2516

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Automating Field Entry

Q. You kindly arranged the Mobile Number Field to delete all spaces. 
In the end it is not necessary as the telephone system Dialler doesn't mind: when I paste a mobile number with spaces it dials the correct number. 
However, it is still to be determined whether we will have problems when exporting numbers with Spaces to a Mobile Handset, so let's not chnage it until we test it?

====== Setting up a Conditional Incremental Value ======

We have a document number that needs to be increased in value with every new document (i.e. Record in FileMaker Pro): if the previous document number is 23456, the User will manually enter the next one as 23457.

Now they want this to happen semi-automatically: only when the user requests it (i.e. Auto_enter Serial Number to Generate the next vale On creation won't do).

This is because some documents have more than one part, which calls for a suffix to be appended to the remaining part/s: 23457-1, 23457-2 etc. (as in this web page See: [i])

We agreed that there would be a Button, which the User can click and then the new Incremental Value will be committed to the Field.

How is such a Script formulated?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Avaya Office Pro with FileMaker Pro

Nov 21, 2014 01:35 AM PST, 

Subject or Question: FileMaker Pro 12 via Avaya Office Pro 

Discussion Thread, Response Via Email:
Hello Menasche, 
Thank you for contacting FileMaker Customer Support. 
Here at the Customer Support department we offer unlimited telephone and email assistance for installation, launch, reinstallation and bug reporting. 
With regards to development or use of FileMaker, this is not something we can advise on here. In your particular situation with dialing to via the Avaya Office Pro console on Windows I believe that this would need to be done using plugins.

For more information I would suggest visiting the FileMaker Forum where which allows all users to ask unlimited questions, and is available 24 hours per day and has a strong community.

Alternatively, you can join the FileMaker TechNet, which provides sample software, white papers and many other resources; or you can even search for a local consultant specializing in training or development on our website.,

If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support on: 0845 603 9100 (United Kingdom) or 01 4073432 (Ireland), Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (excluding holidays).

Case number: 141121-000411. 

Thank you, 

James Foley, 

You can now chat with the FileMaker Support team online. 


Monday, December 14, 2015

Instant Web Publishing

Menasche Scharf
Tried to open the Main_Menu File in Instant Web Publishing and the following warning appeared.

Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker why when launching FileMaker and the old version (6) is already running, a message appears that IWP (=Instant Web Publishing) cannot be started as it’s already used by another instance of FileMaker?

Friday, December 11, 2015


Caching (sometimes referred to as virtualizing).

In general computing, caching refers to storing a duplicate of data in a more quickly accessible location.

In FileMaker, caching usually refers to temporarily storing record data in global variables.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

====== Setting up Dependencies ======

====== Setting up Dependencies ======

What are Dependencies?

Dependencies is the term used to describe

The "Dependencies" table is a join table connecting a task with one or more tasks it depends on - See:

Monday, December 7, 2015

Copy Conditional Formatting

Copy Conditional Formatting


27-Sep-2012 11:36
I don't think there is any way to do this, but please point it out to me if so. 

Just how we can copy object styles in FM12, it would be great if we could copy an object's conditional formatting.

Sometimes I'll get an idea to use conditional formatting on an object on one layout and realize I can use that same formatting on another object on a different layout.  If all I had to do was copy the conditional formatting from one object, switch to the other layout and paste it on the other object, it would save some time having to reselect all of the various conditional formatting options and leave me with just having to tweak the conditional formatting calculation.



27-Sep-2012 12:15 (in response to jasongodoy)
No, you cannot copy and paste the conditional format.

I usually use this trick.
1. Bring the object include conditional format to the same layout.
2. Bring it to the front ( It should be when you paste its object now, but you'll need this if it's there since before. ).
3. Select muti objects and open conditioanl formatting dialog.
4. It shows you the settings you want to paste. Just select OK.
done! ;-)


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How to Speed Up a FileMaker Pro File

How to Speed Up a FileMaker Pro File


Menasche Scharf


Monday, November 30, 2015

Why leave FileMaker for another tool

Suggestion 22
Why FileMaker why leave for another tool

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Contextual Help for a Error Message that comes up when desiging a Dialogue Box

Suggestion 19


Menasche Scharf

[FileMaker Pro Help Case: 120912-000160]

Contextual Help for a Error Message that comes up when desiging a Dialogue Box

Upon my enquiry as to the lack of help inside the Dialogue creation feature, found in FileMaker Scripts, FileMaker answered me along the lines that the FileMaker documentation caters for this type of development help.

Surely this explanation could have been added to the Dialogue Box that contains the Error Message?

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Future FileMaker Roadmap

Suggestion 21


Menasche Scharf

Why FileMaker future roadmap

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

FileMaker vs. AWS

Suggestion 23


Menasche Scharf

Why FileMaker?

How it compares with AWS = Amazon Web Services:

FileMaker, Inc., an Apple subsidiary, makes software that transforms businesses by enabling users to create and run custom solutions that work seamlessly across iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web.  Millions of people worldwide rely on the FileMaker Platform to share information, manage projects, track assets and more.
  • Over 20 million copies of FileMaker software delivered
  • Over 1.5 million downloads of FileMaker Go for iPad and iPhone
  • The FileMaker Platform is available in 15 languages

Amazon Web Services 
Amazon Web Services offers a broad set of global compute, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services that help organizations move faster, lower IT costs, and scale applications. These services are trusted by the largest enterprises and the hottest start-ups to power a wide variety of workloads including: web and mobile applications, IoT, data processing and warehousing, storage, archive, and many others.

Monday, November 23, 2015

System Date Format Setting

Suggestion 24

System Date Format Setting


Menasche Scharf

FileMaker Pro 7.0v1 Does Not Follow System Date Format Setting: 
When launching the Main Menu FileMaker File, the following error message appears: 
Error: "The Date And Time Formats Associated With FileMaker Applications Are Different Than The Current System Settings" 

Check that the computer and the Date Fields in the Main Menu FileMaker File are formatted for UK GMT.  


Friday, November 20, 2015

Why FileMaker III

Suggestion 20

Why FileMaker: Two guiding principles in FileMaker development: it's easy to create and simple to maintain

FileMaker is Turing complete

Pick the right tool for the job, as opposed to thinking one tool does everything.
Menasche Scharf

Menasche Scharf
Who uses Filemaker: Over 10,000 K-12 schools use FileMaker in their data-driven decision making processes to achieve greater operational efficiency, easily comply with federal and state reporting requirements, advance teacher development and monitor student performance.

Menasche Scharf

Why FileMaker: What is unique about FileMaker is its tight integration between the schema and the User Interface.

Menasche Scharf
Why FileMaker: Service Management Solution

Menasche Scharf
Why FileMaker: "This raw data were further analyzed using Phenzomix, a data management tool developed in-house for use with these microarrays. Based on FileMaker Pro 5.3, this tool facilitated cluster formation based on both inputs from the arrays (mRNA intensity, fold change, and present/absent calls) and known functionality." 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Layout and Object Colours

Suggestion 25
Coloured text in Dialogue boxes
Ask FileMaker - How to have Coloured Text in Dialogue Boxes
Menasche Scharf
See the url below for an alternative solution to Dialogue Boxes, To emphasise a Button or Field, it should be possible to change its colour

How to change the colour of the Background in Layout Mode to show it in Browse Mode?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How to create a floating Window

Suggestion 18


Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker: How to create a floating Window that contains clickable links to the open Windows in FileMaker.
This is following the new arrangement, whereby a new Window opens up every time a Button is clicked to reach another Layout.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

====== Interface I ======

Suggestion 16

====== Interface ======
We need to have the option of having more than one record open at one time.
Example: If I'm dealing with a job at the property address 7 Glademount, in the mean time a call comes in about a job in 16 Hadley Court, the previous Job should stay open and this way I can return to it when I finished the enquiry for the new call about Hadley.

07/09/2009 The interface should be intuitive:
In the Orders Layout there is a Orders Link in White (in the External Links part), that is not Live.
Then there is a Orders List Link in White that is also not Live.
Which one should be Blue?

Q. Scenario: I'm looking for a job (EPC) of a particular address (Gypsons Gardens), so I click ~Search~By Address, then when I find it I click Close and See Details.
I then click on Orders but all I see is a listing of ALL orders.
I wanted to see only orders connected to this property address!
A. Orders are NOT connected to any job addresses – Product Ordered are.
There is a button (label) in the Address box titled ‘Jobs’ this will bring up a list of all jobs ordered for that address

Q. Is it possible to Right-Click on a name and FileMaker should bring up the telephone number?
I know it's too early days, still we need to look into it as - at the moment - it takes too many steps to navigate through the system.
A. There is no right-click script trigger in FileMaker.
If you can give me an example of a place where you have a name and no telephone number I'll appreciate it if you can show me.

Q. The Orders Layout should be rearranged: the bottom part where the details of an individual Order ID are shown should go on top of the table with all the orders. Innit?
A. Will have to look into this for the next iteration.

19-Nov-2009 Messaging Options
The Copy for Engineer Button should open a menu selection: For eMail and For TxT

Date: 08/09/2009
Can we have the pop-up Calendar also in any other Date Field throughout the system?
For example, the Date Field in the Diary Layout.

Date: 24/09/2009
Q. Can you make a Pop-Up Clock, like the Calendar?
We need it in the Job Diary (and memayle all over)
A. There is no popup clock control as far as I know.

On second thought, I can make a popup list that you can choose from predefined time values.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

====== Ctrl+2 ======

Suggestion 17

====== Ctrl+2 ======

The shortcut Ctrl+2 (to open the Find Tel/eMail Window) should also work from within any other Layout (Diary, Switchboard etc.)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Create New Records

===== Suggestion 14: Create New Record with Text in Search Layout =====
 If you search for a record based on various fields and the record can't be found then you have to make a new record - instead of having to insert all the field values that you have tried to search a record for FileMaker should be made to remember these values and enter them for you

If I can't find an address after typing it into "Search Address", can I have the typed text in the Clipboard? This way I don't have to type it all over again when I create a new Record.

Date: 14/09/2009
Is there a way to enter a new property in the Properties Tab, without leaving the Customer's Record? This would make it much easier for users. The Association of the Two ID's (Contact and Property) could be made automatically.

Date: 10/09/2009
When I enter "Tenant" in the Name Field, it should automatically populate the Type Field with "Tenant"

Date: 10/09/2009
Q. I placed two Orders with Nahid of Beechwood, the Order Count still shows (0) - why?
A. There are no Order Count at the moment for a Contact

Q. Where do I put the Directions from GoogleMaps and others, Parking Restrictions, Congestion Charging Details and the like?
A. I'll create fields for those data.

Q. If a Contact Record has the word "Vacant" in it and the Type Field: Tenant and the Credit Field: "No Credit", it follows that the Type in the Address Box should be "Job Address"
A. Will do.

Date: 16/09/2009
Q. Can you Capitalise all Names in the Contact Name Field?

Date: 17/09/2009
Can you treat "Vacant" in the Name Field in Contacts the same as you treat "Tenant"? Hide Credit Status etc.

Date: 17/09/2009
Q, Is it possible to warn a user when he is about to enter details of a contact that already exists?

Date: 24/09/2009
If a company employee has no address then the whole address table should be blanked out. 
This is much more user friendly than having empty fields

Cloud Based PBX on FileMaker Pro

====== Telephone PBX Integration ======

What are the things that one needs to look out for when selecting a Cloud-based Soft PBX (Private branch exchange) that will Hook into FIleMaker Pro, in order to integrate it into a UC platform that has VOIP Handsets connected to the same LAN as the hardware that runs FIleMaker Pro?

There is a documented example HERE, but this only works on iPad or iPhone devices with FileMaker Go, not on a PBX with FileMaker Pro.

P.S. As I'm an infrequent user AND this Forum has undergone changes recently, please forgive me if I posted this enquiry in an inappropriate Space (or Place...)


Integrate with FileMaker with Telephony - see:
 * - also makes other Plug Ins
 * - free Plug Ins
 * - FileMaker Add-ons, Plug-Ins
 * - FileMaker Add-ons, Plug-Ins
 * - FileMaker Add-ons, Plug-Ins
 ** Integrate with Tadiran PBX:

FileMaker is TAPI compliant, find some plugins below:
 * Integrate with Mobile Solution
 * Integrate PBX, Server and other pieces of the system architecture with any phase of the above three phases

I wanted very much to be able to connect FileMaker to the PBX, as it will help when dialling out and also when receiving calls. Incoming calls - Screen popping: I checked the telephone system software and they have some help on the following url: mk:@MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Avaya\IP%20Office\Phone%20Manager\Langs\eng\Help\PhoneManagereng.chm::/screenpop.htm

Sent: 31 July 2008 10:20, From: Antony Larose [], To: Isaac Izzet
Subject: Re: Property Safety Ltd
Hi Isaac, Yes FileMaker is TAPI compliant, I did a search in google ( FileMaker Tapi) to find some plugins and I go to these results:  If you need any additional information please do not hesitate in giving me a call.  With regards, Antony Larose, Senior Licensing Sales, FileMaker International

Scheduled Postings of Blogger Posts

Question: I want to place one Post every day, so as to spread out my postings.  Is there a possibility to queue the Posts on a time-based schedule, where it will upload one every day?

Answer: Use the Schedule Button in the Post Settings Drop Down Menu (Right hand side).

Question: If  the Schedule Button is meant for queueing a Draft Blog to be published at some point in the future, why tehn is the Publish Button still visible, even after setting a Date and Time?

See also:

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Drop Down Menu

Sent: 03 December 2008 10:25

Question for you:

You made a new drop down menu in the Jobs Layout: “POM” or “not POM” – why can’t you run the script through the main drop down menu?
It’s neater and the information is already there!
From: Menasche Scharf

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Spaces or no Spaces?

From: Menasche Scharf [n]
Sent: 09 March 2009 14:43
The Contracts Manager asked me why when he copies an address from FileMaker into QuickBooks; he always needs to delete so many spaces between the different parts of an address.
I proceeded to delete the spaces by eliminating the following text from the formula in the FindText Field: and ” “
The next morning, Works Manager calls me and asks why suddenly he can copy text from FileMaker to QuickBooks, but all the words are stuck together!
I explained to him that – if he remembers – I asked him to enter any piece of address into FileMaker with a space, so that when we need to copy it elsewhere it will look nice. As a precaution for when he forgets to add a space, I added a space in the formula between each field.
Now I think the solution to this conflict would be to ensure that whenever a user leaves an address field, FileMaker should add a space after the end of every address string.

Monthly Statements

Sent: 28 January 2009 17:52
Monthly Statements
The Statement should include the following data:
Invoice Date,
Property Address [of where the works were carried out],
Amount and [Condition] Balance (if the payment is partially paid)

Sent: 28/01/2009
When creating Monthly statement, there should be a checkbox next to each customer record in the Company Contact File, which can be toggled On or OFF.
If the box is set to the OFF position, this customer will not have their statement printed out.
Very useful for customers who always pay on time.

Friday, November 6, 2015

POM_Callout Layout

Sent: 15 February 2009 16:00
POM Callouts
Please try to make a note on every POM Callout if it’s covered under POM or not.
This will help the telephoe operator decide whether to forward the call to an engineer or not.

Sent: 03 December 2008 11:03
If you’ll look in the POM_Callout Layout you’ll see that the Job Types vary from Record to Record, that means that the User will need a choice of selecting different Job Types, on the other hand FileMaker needs a way of making all those Jobs common just to Callout - this is where the Job Criteria comes in.

Size Matters - Part II

Size Matters

Where can I find the size of FileMaker Objects?
  • One Record
  • One Layout
  • One File
Example: I need to send a dummy file to a developer so he can see our file and work on it.

Problem: "The file you're attaching is bigger than the server allows."

Solution: Delete the unnecessary Layouts or delete more Records?

I deleted about 25 Logo's from the Contacts Layout and the file size changed from 174MB to 160MB.
I deleted about 25 Layouts from the File and the file size changed from 160MB to 159MB.
I deleted 33848 Records from the Contacts Layout and the file size changed from 159MB to 63.9MB (these indisputably had some more Logo's in some of the records, which contributed to the size of this file).
I deleted another 50,000+/- Records from the Factory Visits, Certificates and Formulations Layouts and the file size changed from 63.9MB to 32.8MB.
I deleted another 55,000+/- Records from the "Layout #142" Layout and the file size changed from 32.8MB to 22.5MB.
I deleted about 25 Logo's from the Certificate Layouts and the file size changed from 22.5MB to 20.6MB.
I deleted about 25 additional Layouts from the File and the file size changed from 20.6MB to 19.7MB.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Add Record - Is it Set Field or Replace Field Contents?

16/12/2014 SB: When using the Add Record Button, it Duplicates the complete Record, including the contents of the following Fields: Follow_up_Comments, Importance, KIC Received, Report Received, Assigned To, Start Followup, Case Closed, Closed By and Comments. 

16/12/2014 MS: To solve the above problem (16/12/2014 SB), we need to find a way of duplicating a Record but with only some of the information, so that the new record has the main characteristics of the old one – but it is still not identical (as in an invoicing system, where the customer details are the same but the new sale has different sales data – See: [i]). Need to find out the difference between “Set Field [ ]” or, since you want all records, “Replace Field Contents [ ]” (Source: [ii]). “Replace Field” updates the specified field for ALL records in the current found set, not just the current record. Use “Set Field” instead of Replace Field Contents (Source: [iii]).

Solution - replaced the Script to carry out the following Steps:
  • Duplicate Record, 
  • Populate the above Fields with the following Values: 
  • Importance: Medium (the Default Value), 
  • KIC Received: “Not Yet”, 
  • Report Received: “Not Yet”, 
  • Assigned To: “Pending”, 
  • Start Followup: BLANK (Clear Data), 
  • Case Closed: BLANK (Clear Data), 
  • Closed By: BLANK (Clear Data)
  • Comments: BLANK (Clear Data).

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Callout Box

Menasche Scharf
How to set Tab stops inside a Callout Box


Monday, October 26, 2015

DingBats Font on FileMaker Go

In the FileMaker Go version, the Telephone icon Symbol displays as a bracket: “(“.

This is because the Go version doesn’t have the DingBats Font (as is the case with Blogger...)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Synchronise BYOD with FileMaker Pro

Find out how to keep the Address Book (Contacts) on Android mobiles in Sync with TimeWyze

Cellular, GSM, Mobile, TxT, SMS, Download, Import, Export, Synchronise

Date: 23/10/2016
RFC# 210
We need to find a way to download all TxT messages from the two SIM cards that are installed in the GSM Gateway, as people assume that these are my own personal mobile and send TxT messages to these numbers.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Create a Table inside a Blog Post


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Web Viewer anomalies

Web Viewer anomalies

1) Whilst Text Formatting is unavailable in Web Viewer, there must be a way to solve the anomaly, where the text changes size randomly:
I placed a Web Clock on a Layout in a Web Viewer (Object Size: 2.505X0.65cm) but the Time (e.g. 11:55:29) is displayed sometimes so that the text fills the space of the Web Viewer whilst sometimes it shrinks to half the size, causing the right side and bottom part of the Web Viewer to be empty, resulting in a untidy display of the time.

The following is from the FileMaker Pro support page Web Viewer behavior in Layout Mode - untested... (url:
"Format Changes: Web viewers do not respond to font attributes, yet the attribute commands remain enabled (this is also the behavior for other objects which do not have font attributes). The ignored commands are Font, Size, Style, Align Text, Line Spacing, Orientation, and Text Color."

1) I inserted a Web Viewer on a Layout and most of the time the bottom of the Web Page cannot be viewed; there's a ligh-blue rectangle blocking what should be seen there.  Additionally, the vertical Scrollbar on the right-hand-side is also hidden from view, so it's impossible to scroll up or down.
See Screengrab below:

I tried resolving this issue by following the advice gleaned from the two tips that are shown in the Notes section at: Working with web viewers on layouts (
 - "You can’t place a web viewer in a portal. If you place a web viewer in a portal, the web viewer appears as an object on the layout that overlaps the portal. However, you can place a web viewer on a popover within a portal.".
 - "You must ensure that a custom web address:
begins with the correct scheme — for example, http://, https://, ftp://, or file://
is correctly encoded as a URL, by selecting Automatically encode URL"

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Solve the Missing Tag problem

Sometimes you need to copy and paste some html code into your blog.
Add "/DIV" at the end of the post in HTML mode otherwise it shows an error Like:
"Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not closed: DIV".
If you added at the end of the post in HTML mode and you see a different warning:
"Your HTML cannot be accepted: Closing tag has no matching opening tag: DIV Dismiss", do the following:
In the FIND Field, type DIV and delete the "\DIV" that appears in the middle of the text.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Feature Report

19-Nov-2009 Create a Field that will contain the Version number for when adding changes, features, utilities, etc. to the database, we should be able to create a Feature Report with the Features that were added in the Version Update, each Update should have its list of additions neatly laid out.  
This can then be used to show customers what we did to improve the database.

Monday, September 21, 2015

FileMaker Training Videos

For FileMaker Tips and Hacks, see Matt Petrowsy's tutorial video's at
For FileMaker development skills, see RCC's tutorial video's at

What is a Slide Panel

Menasche Scharf
What are Slide Panels?

A Slide Panel - also called Sliding Panel - is a Tab in a Portal that contains numerous sections, all hidden by the first Tab.  These Tabs are called Panels because they can be displayed one after another, with the current one hiding the others.  You surely have come across a similar idea in websites, where the homepage displays alternating pictures, with a dark bullet - one out of a number of white bullets - showing when the next Panel is displayed.
To see it in action, visit (at 1:15 minutes until 2:40)
For a discussion surrounding its effectiveness etc., see:

Friday, July 3, 2015

How to design a Reference Repository with FileMaker Pro

Date: 21/06/2015


I have a list with thousands of ideas, questions, tips etc., with scenarios (aka examples), references (aka URL) and suggested solutions and the like.
How can I set up a database that will arrange the above in a structured way, so that I can look up the data by about a dozen different ways:
  1. Date Entered
  2. Date Solved
  3. Author
  4. Importance
  5. Progress
  6. Topic
  7. Description
  8. Example
  9. URL
  10. Main Criteria
  11. Sub Criteria
  12. ID
There is a Starter Solution from FileMaker "Research Notes", which might be the solution for the above requirement.

Search terms in Google:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Generate / Create a Captcha image

How to: Captcha

Date: 02/06/2015

Problem: Is there a way to create, monitor and handle captcha in FileMaker?

Is this possible with FileMaker?

=== Connect FileMaker to external Information Sources ===

Requirements for external / Remote Access: LogMeIn, PCAnywhere, Skype (See: [ccxlv] for an AppleScript(?!) based solution) and TeamViewer, MySQL -

The Calendar should be able to export a range of dates – say to provide a Mashgiach with his monthly schedule – to an external application, ideally .ics format.

Request to receive authorisation for the developer (or myself) to talk directly to Sage (and eventually PS Financials) and to KID and UKD, with the purpose of obtaining from them guidance how to create a live feed to/from FileMaker Pro v12.