Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Branching Out

Q. How are we going to deal with a company with branches in different places and different telephone numbers for each branch? 
Homefinders for example.  
Maybe there should be a field for "Branch", so that we can see all Branches under one Headquarter.

A. I think the best way of dealing with it is to associate all the branches to the headquarter

Q. Scenario: I was looking for Newlon's telephone number in connection with Shelley House, which is owned by Trek Limited, a subsidiary of Berger Group.  When I am in the Record of Newlon, I can see Berger Group as an Associated Company, however I can't see Trek Limited.  Do I do anything wrong here?

A. No. Trek Limited was never associated with Newlon that's all.


Q. Can I have a "Go To" Button in the Record Layout of Customer/Company/Bill To and Engineer in the "Products Ordered" Layout? 
You made one in the Contacts Layout, next to the Landlord/Housing Association Etc. Box. 
Maybe it should automatically go to the record when I click on the Contacts Tab.
A. I can certainly add a goto button although all of their info is right there... so I'm not quite sure why you want it. And the last thing about going to the record when clicking on the 'Contacts Tab' I don't know what you mean by that

Is it possible to change the Tab Order through Scripting? 
I want that the No Credit Field shouldn't be part of the Data Entry process when entering Tenanted Property Details.

RFC# 189
Can you change the Tabs order in the Job Diary? 
The Engineer's Tab should be after the Council or before the Customer

Multiple Jobs - One Project

'Parent' Property
We need a 'Parent' Property for the following reasons: 
When doing a project on many flats in one building/complex/compound we sometimes have to carry out work on the Site and not on individual flats.  
It is much easier to refer to a whole block than to enter the same details in each and every flat. 
Every multiple occupation building (converted house with flatlets/block of flats/converted warehouse etc.) has a Communal Area.  
We need to work on this particular place, without touching the flats.

Date: 24/09/2009
When entering many flats in one property, maybe we should have a utility that allows multiple properties to be entered very easily: just add the Flat/Unit number and a new record will be created with all address details. 
This will save a lot of re-typing the same address over and over again (more than typing this request . . .).

Date: 13/10/2009
RFC #: 184
How to deal with a project that encompasses many properties (flats in a building etc.), where all the update go in one record but apply to the other units too.

Create Invoices

Invoicing - Raise sales and purchase invoices

Once we have finished entering the price list into FileMaker, we should ideally be able to create invoices from within FileMaker (or at least give it a try . . .). 

The nest step in that direction would be to: have all the forms that are used in our products (NICEIC, EPC and Fire Risk Assessment (Mazal Tov!) for example) to be seamlessly integrated into the system.  

This would help when highlighting faults in n inspection and then will automatically be added to the estimate for repairing the faults.

====== Entering invoice numbers In FileMaker ======
Where do I put the Invoice number?

====== Search the site address and enter invoice numbers ====== matching the type of work done and date from invoice. Create a new record if no matching job records are found. Mark invoices whose site address in not recorded in FileMaker.

When choosing “Not to be Invoiced” in the Field: “Invoiced”, please place the following text in the Field: “Invoice”: “N/A”

Find a Friend of a Collague

Q. Sometimes I know the name of one person and not the name of the other person who works with him.  Can we have a field where we put details that are not employees or companies but "pointers".  This way I can "jot" down some details that will help me find it later.
A. Why don’t you just look for the one you know the name, once found, you can see all his colleagues in his companies staff. (at least for the moment)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Associated Records Issues I

Associated Contacts of the same Company / Record
When there are Records that belong to one Company, it is unfair to expect me to go through each and every one of the employees' Records and set the Type as Office Address.
Maybe you could formulate a script that compares a postcode with a telephone number and based on the match it will assign the label automatically?
Menasche says: The same should apply to any setting that is the same across all Records that belong to a company: Credit Rating for example.

Date: 08/09/2009
The Field 'Credit' should automatically update for Staff of a Company, as they represent their Company.

Q. The Find Address Box found 2 X 152 Ashtray Walk: once with Postcode E5 9UJ and another once with Postcode E5 9PH.
When I chose to go to the latter it showed me the first record in the database (EDF) - why?
A. The reason for this is that there is no longer a contact for that address, because of the import/exporting of the records, however you should have gotten a message box to this effect, and I have fixed it now.
I will however deal with the problem that was caused by the exporting and importing of records causing that some contact details and address and company/staff no longer exist

Suggestion 36: Disassociate two records
Problem: I find that when I delete an Association between two records, I need to do this in both Records. Why?

Q. When a Tenant moves out, there are details that need to be deleted / moved. How can we do it in one go?
One suggestion: Like Company / Staff works with Associations, Tenant / Property should be the same.
This way, we only have to Disconnect / Delete the Tenant's Association from the Property and it's all done.
A. The only thing that needs to be done is to change the contact name, or have I misunderstood you?

Q. How do I change a customer's Association?
I need to re-assign a job, as I entered it into the wrong customer record: instead of Umbellic Musings I pasted it into Powered Hose.

I tried to Associate a Property Address Record with a Landlord's Record, but it didn't work.

I deleted the colon (:) from the Address of the Landlord and it now works fine.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Contact Type Labels

Date: 7-Sep-09
RFC: 167
Sometimes I enter an eMail address and only later on enter a contact telephone number.  Is it possible to add arrows/handles to rearrange the contact details up/down?

Date: 14/09/2009
Q. When I paste a www address in the contacts box, can it automatically attach a tag "Web Address"?

Date: 20/08/2009
In the Company Contact Form, there is no Field for entering the name of the department.

Date: 16/09/2009
Design the Contacts Layout so that it's easier to keep track of Engineer details: 
Their usual stuff (contact details) and then: Qualifications, Prices, Location, Bank Details, Working Hours, Number of people working for them, the list goes on.

Date: 21/09/2009
The Labels "Landlord" and "Managing Agent" don't update themselves from one record to the other one. 
They should really be able to remember at every Record where they're up to.

Date: 20/10/2009
RFC #: 199
We need a place to store all Sort Codes and Account numbers of Suppliers, Customers etc.

Date: 24/09/2009
Q. How can I categorise a company that does Gas AND Electrics? 
At the moment, the "Type" Field in the "Contact" Layout only allows for one selection from the drop-down menu. 
Maybe we should categorise them all as "Engineers" and when you are ready with the table that deals with all data we need for engineers (prices, area covered, profession, qualification, credit account, bank details, 24 hour cover etc. - we can then add a Field that allows for a category?

Date: 20/10/2009
RFC #: 198
The Script/Formula that formats the Telephone numbers in the Contact Details Portal: when it's an overseas number, it should keep the two zero's!

Date: 22/10/2009
RFC #: 205
When I click on a Record Link to jump from Contacts to Jobs, when I go back to Contacts, it should stay in the layout: Jobs Tab

Date: 08/09/2009
Can we have a Field for a Staff Extension Number? 

Credit criteria, choices amounts...

The Credit Criteria Field should automatyically show "No Credit", when I select Tenant as a Contact Type.  If once in a million there's a change, we can adjust it manually.
Menasche Says: This is very easy to achieve: set AutoEnter with the text "No Credit" for all Records and when there is an exception I will have to change it. You could even fill all existing Records with the same text, except where there is already a selection in place.
01/10/2009 Menasche Says: Please apply the same rule (No Credit) to all "Local Resident" Records

Q. The No Credit for Tenant works well on new Records. 
Would it be possible to run a command to populate all Exsiting Tenant's Records likewise?

Q. If the Fields Type, Credit Criteria and Address Type are already populated, can you ask FM to skip these?
This request refers to the Tab Order

Create Reports - Part I

====== Many More Reporting Features ======
* Full featured visual QuickBooks reporting - no more manual custom report creation
* Merge QuickBooks data with data from Excel spreadsheets
* Complete display control with drag-and-drop ease
* Pre-built report formats and data structures - ready to run
* Report Genie creates the report format with one click
* Use filters and columns not available in QuickBooks
* Create reports, custom invoices, mail merge letters, address labels.
* E-mail reports as secure PDF, Microsoft Word, Text or Web HTML formats
* Merge data from multiple companies or reports into one report with ease

====== Other reporting options: ======
Reports that are Easy to Create (from
* Custom Commissions calculations
* Custom Reports for Tax analysis
* Product Catalogs with Images
* Accounts Receivable Summary adding customer name and address.
* Invoices list based on paid date.
* Invoice with Embedded Statement
* Balance Sheet report modified with the design editor.
* List of bills per vendor, one per page, send to vendors as authorization for credit card payment
* Collections Report modified any way you prefer
* Customers who have had no invoices raised for them for a period of 30, 60 or 90 days (Useful for marketing and sales departments).
* Merge extra data fields (not in QB) from Excel spreadsheet with QB customer data to produce a custom report
* Invoice line items sold by city grouped and subtotaled by city
* Mail merge letter sent to customers who have no invoices with “welcome back” coupon.
* Profit by Vendor: Item report grouped by vendor
* Reverse Customer Sales Report with address information not found in QuickBooks report.
* Sales and Profit by Rep Name report organized by Sales Rep Name
* Sales Report Standard Reformatted to your needs.

* Bill Items by Class

Automated TxT & eMail - Part II

Date: 12/10/2009
RFC #: 183
AutoText in FileMaker?

== TXT SMS Text Messaging - Definition ==

 * Send notes by TxT, Job address, traffic update, parts details and the like, so we could send TxT messages to Tenants, Customers and Engineers. 
 * View Vodafone account App (or any other Service Provider) to check the account with Vodafone corporate accounts (there is an App for retail users already)
 * Defaults for TxT, calls etc. – to save time: prepare one template to be used all the time
 * Group TxTing - Send to many / Groups - See Group APPs from the makers of 2Do
 * Find out how to save a mobile number to an existing contact from a TxT message, where it this mobile number doesn’t exist yet
 * Make a reminder from a TxT: Instead of leaving it inside the InBox, Move it to the Calendar / Reminders
 * Defaults for calls and TxTs: Recognise numbers starting with "07" for TxT and ignore numbers starting with "020" by not using them for TxTs
 * Autotext in Contacts – predictable spelling
 * SpotLight (an Apple Computer Inc.’s search technology) to Search inside: TxT messages, telephone numbers, Alarms - Calendar Items
Ultimately, we should 'wire' it onto FileMaker so that contact details can be pulled in from there and any SMS sent and received is stored with its connected record. 
Example: A job needs to be done, so we TxT the tenant, we then TxT the Engineer and finally an automated TxT is sent to the customer conforming that the job is finished. 
All these can be stored under this Job's record for posterity, so that if there's a dispute about service delivery, costings or payments we can go back and look up what was said etc.

The above could be achieved, using VodaFone Text Centre, Orange PC Messenger, O2 Messenger etc.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Contact the Correct Contact

How do I know who in a Housing Association is dealing with a given Property? 
Example: Jo Tay of Newnty deals with 6 Summer Estate - where is her connection recorded? 
 We only have Newnty as the HA for this property

I would suggest that the employee in the Housing Association should be entered as the Housing association (not the name of the housing association itself), then in case you need any details of the housing association, you would be able to see those in Company/Staff.
It seems to me that this is a job by job case which in this case I think this information should be entered in job updates

This is a logical answer; however this is practically not always the reality as sometimes there is more than one person involved in a job or it is being transferred to a different department.

The following Type criteria need to be added to the Contact Form Layout: Supplier / Employee / Reference
The system should be wired so that once you put it in for one Record, it will become available for any other Record.

Date: 06 May 2009
Q. Is there a way in FileMaker to have records in a selection list (i.e. Engineers) whom we used in the past, we stopped using them – so now they are not to appear in the selection menu but still need to show in previous records for reference?

Duplication: Records, Tables

Duplicate a Record
Is there a way to Duplicate a Record so that I can add a new Employee to a Company? 
At the moment the Duplicate command only gives me a new Record with the three top Fields populated with identical data as the original. This doesn't help much.

Actually, that's is just what we need! An employee's data isn't the same as its company's the telephone numbers are his own the address is his own not the company's


Look at my response
I think your approach to this issue is very wrong, you'll end up having wrong information. 

For example, if a company's address changes and you change it in the company's record and not in the employee's record you wouldn't know which one is the correct one and the same is vice-versa and the same with phone numbers, we'll end up with the same problem as in the old FileMaker, the whole purpose of the company/staff relation structure was primarily to avoid this, the fact that it gets you a quick link between company and staff for navigation is just a good side effect. 
Besides the fields in address and phone numbers is there just for that - to enter address and phone numbers not to fill it in with notes, notes should ONLY go in the notes field.

I am sorry, but I really feel very strong about this!

You are right when it's a Heimishe employee, whose home address is in the database anyway
However when you look at Record ID: 38827, you will see that they have 3 employees (and counting) whose address we do not need at all, In such a case, I would like the Duplicate Record command to also apply the following information in thet Fields: Address Type: "Look In Main Record", and in the Company / Staff Portal, the Association that is used in the original Record.

Menasche Scharf

Ask FileMaker: Why is it not possible to duplicate an entire Table in FileMaker Pro?
In the Manage Database Dialogue Box, one can only duplicate Fields or Relationships - Tables cannot be duplicated.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker How to prevent FileMaker Pro from assigning an automatic Unique Contact ID to a new Record that was created by Duplicating an existing Record, as I want the newly created Record to also Duplicate the Unique Contact ID.

Date:  16/11/2009
RFC # 252
Can you please build in a safeguard which prevents duplicate addresses from being added to the database

Known FileMaker Pro bug #2

Bug in FileMaker? When Drag and Click in a Field it bombs out on me. 

The text of the Bug Report (is) was available here:

Also when I hold down the Shift Button and press the Up Arrow. 29/09/2009 When you re-launch FileMaker afterwards, it doesn't let you edit the Record, as it's locked from the previous session. Only after waiting a couple of minutes and restarting, it lets me back into my 'own' records. 01/10/2009 I now (think) I found the key combination that causes FileMaker to bunk out: if I press Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow (the combination to select text to the left of the cursor) it happens. I pressed Debug (one of the options that I get in the Error Message ComBox, but it only switched to Internet Explorer, without actually opening any url. It then disappeared from my desktop = closed down. 12/10/2009 You can try it yourself: select some text from bottom to top; when you press SHIFT+Up Arrow, it will not go past a soft carriage return, so don't release the SHIFT button only the Up Arrow Key and instead press the Left Arrow key. This is when it happens.

Menasche Scharf
Ask FileMaker - bug report - see url text