Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Friday, February 19, 2016

To Tag or to UnTag

Make a Untag button to untag all tags

There should be a tag field in the product ordered to allow a User to check a Tag and be able to retrieve tagged Records.

Enable UnTagging from within the Tagged Contacts Combox.
This feature will save a lot of time, as the current setup requires the User to click on the record and then try to unTag.

Please arrange the Tags so that the User's Tag is always the first in the list. It doesn't cost too much time to do it and the User will love it!
Do you mean the name of the user should always be first in the list, in the list of names?
15/10/2009 Yes, the list alphabetical order should go according to log in

Can we have a Red Alert for each Record that has a Tag, so that everyone can see that it's an outstanding job? I placed a sample on the top-right-hand-corner - do as you see fit.
I mean the Traffic Light with a Red Light in it. It could really be anything, for example you can use the same as the Status Button that you did in the Job Diary for "In_Progress/Cancelled/On_Hold/Done"

Q. Is it possible to have the Tagged Items list open up when launching the Database? 
This will help me start the day, dealing with things that are waiting to be dealt with.
A. 09/11/2009 Now that we have the Switchboard, this is already dealt with, I hope

Date: 15/10/2009RFC: 197
Can we have the list in the Tagged Contacts Window sorted Alphabetically/Chronologicaly?

Date: 22/10/2009RFC: 201
The Engineer Field in the Jobs Tagged By Window show the same Data in every Record - why?

Date: 24/09/2009
Thanks for Tagging the Products Ordered - can you please merge the Tags with the Contacts Tags?

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