Bikur Cholim בקור חולים

Friday, February 19, 2016

Job Orders in the Pipeline I

We may have discussed it in the past but I want to make sure that when you have finished the bulk of the database, that we will be able to handle sales of many products and services with varying prices etc., all from one form.
We need to be able to follow through with outbound and inbound sales enquiries. 
Call it PipeLine in FileMaker (as it's called in GoldMine, which is very suitable to follow through with every Prospect, Opportunity and Customer, as is
The process that happens when we try to sell to a customer or a customer tries to buy from us but he didn't yet agree to the deal. 
This is called Pre-Sales; we will need to make entries in a Diary of what was requested, what was discussed, what was agreed and so on. 
It's exactly the same as the Job Diary but for as yet non-finished deals,

Q. Can we have a drop down list in the Diary for Interaction Type? 
This means that when a customer CALLS, the Diary Entry/Record should be labelled Telephone and if a FAX arrives it should be tagged FAX and eMail likewise. 
This will make it easier when trying to follow up on a case.

Q. Can we have an Enquiry Form in the database, which will come before an actual Order? 
This way I can progress enquiries through its paces until we get to the Ordering stage.

Q. Is it possible to add a new record from within the Order Form? 
This way, I don't have to let the customer wait until we finish our internal procedures of how to add a new address in the main Contacts Layout?

RFC #211
Q. If an enquiry 'fizzles out' how can you close it so that it doesn't stay open and pending?

RFC #213
Q. The Order Count on the Orders Tab is misleading; when a private customer places an order it is counted as two. 
Can you change that? 
It can be easily (?) achieved by incorporating a condition: "if ID is identical, count only one instance"

RFC #216
Q. The customer's details copied in correctly but incorrectly: it should be company not the employee's details that are automatically entered into the Bill To Field

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